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Found 2 results

  1. Here she is all, all DUN with the fun! It was a real quick and fun build, as the model fairly fell together. I usually do some 'extra' work on a model, but sometimes you just need to breeze through something! I have the Yuunagi on order from HLJ, which is the next iteration of this ship, and when I do that one I'll do one thing different. The black trailing edge pieces for the fins don't have any mounting pins and are very fiddly, especially if you do what I did, and glue them on after paint! Next time, I'll glue them on nice and solid before anything else! I knocked one off at least four times. But, done is DUN! Go buy one, it's a great kit!
  2. This is a model I had started a while back. I got as far as priming and rescribing before it went on hiatus. Now, it is back, and getting into color! From the start though. It is an exceedingly modular design, being prepainted and with the options to show the main engine and the hangar bays. I didn't want that though, so those parts were not used. I also wanted to do something about the aux bays on the belly. In the anime, the corrugated looks continues all the way around the top of the bulge, but the model only has the detail going part way and then flattening out. So I cut it out and used some corrugated styrene to do it correctly. I then used the cut put portions to provide the curve and glued them back in place. They stick out a little on the bottom, but I consider those good. I also thought about a different mounting option other than the supplied base, so I glued a sealed off tube of plastic in the belly to hold a rod for when I ever get around to that. Also on the stern deck, where the upper 'ledge' is the decking canted up rather than going further in. So I chopped that off and continued the deck into the superstructure. And then I wanted to do similar to Do Do's build here. http://www.geocities.jp/dourakuoyadi/newpage1000yamato.htm I ended up not lengthening the kit as he did, but I did alter the top of the bow. I've never liked how it rises up so high and I liked when he leveled it out some. So... With that glued in place, I cut some plastic to fill the big gap and then slathered it with dissolved putty. I also cut the 'railing' off as it will have to be lengthened with some excess kit plastic a bit and flattened. A few sanding sessions ensued... Of course I lost that long curving panel line indicative of the Yamato and had to rescribe it in. That was fun... Not! After enough tries I just said it looks good and went on Although, lowering the crown on the bow meant the deck was no longer long enough. I wrapped a thin bit of styrene around the front and sanded it in. A shot before paint. First shot of primer One thing I don't like is the split going vertically between the two oblong bulges on the right. Obviously it is not supposed to be there, so out came the dissolved putty and some round sanding sticks. I also got some ladders and replaced the engraved ones. I also deleted the wing option, as those just look silly... And on the foredeck, I also added the two raised and railed platforms. When I do this model again, I'll try and get that done better. Next was onto paint. I bought the Mr. Color sets of Yamato colors. Next time I won't use them. They have to be cut with lacquer and that stuff stinks! Next time I'll stick with Tamiya paints and make my own shades to match. Here's the red over preshading. Then onto the blue. And that's where she sits now... after I've realized I've forgotten some side guns... But that's alright. It needs some more shots with the blue anyway. Next is darkening the panel lines and weathering and adding some decals in there at some point. Thanks for looking!
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