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Found 5 results

  1. Anticipating being furloughed for months on end, I bought a couple of GW board games to pass the time. Alas fortunately I'm a 'key worker', so I was spared long days fighting aerial campaigns in the W40K grimdark and the Titan Legion I planned are still in their box... yay, etc 🙄 Still, while I might not have enough time to fight endless miniature dogfights, I have been able to put some hours into building and painting a beautifully realised little Imperial fighter bomber. Here's what you get in the kit:
  2. I was supposed to be building Junith Eruita's flying pulpit this month. But as I reached into the stash, these cheery little chaps caught my eye and the good lady went on the back burner. Next month, for sure... 😃 Anyway, while the paint might not be quite up to Will's standard, the mini's themselves are an absolute joy. If only I could say the same for my photography... I'm going to have to practice with that camera... 🤔
  3. Most...not...reach...for...debit....card... .
  4. Trying out some different finishes on my RG recently. I don't like the blue eye lenses (back to red again, I think) but the highlights are quite pleasing. What do you think, guys? Legs need re-posing for flying models, ofc (next mini, probably) and the highlights need tidying up a little, but overall I'm quite liking the effect.
  5. Hmmmm.... I'm putting these wee guys away for a while. I can't quite seem to finish them and I've seriously over egged some of the effects I was trying to create. They're just not fun any more- it's always a bad sign when painting seems more like a chore than one of life's greatest pleasures ! Besides, I've got a few other minor projects on the go which are fun and interesting to be getting on with. I'll give it a couple of months, then maybe dig them out again. Some things that haven't helped, in no particular order. Some of my metallics and fave paints have gone off. No drama, I quite like choosing and buying replacements, but it's quite irritating all the same. Worth noting that they were all GW products. Considering they charge more than any other manufacturer for considerably smaller amounts of paint, it's annoying to see them spoil quicker than their competitors. I've still got some perfectly serviceable original GW branded paint from the mid eighties- sold as Coat d'Arms these days, if anyone's interested, hugely recommended- but the modern stuff, some of it only a few months old, is turning to congealed gunk right before my eyes. Might be the formulation, might be the pots, but I think Coat d' and Vallejo will be providing their replacements, regardless. Citadel (again! ) have changed the formula of their washes. Probably not that much of an issue with some practice, but my painting time is limited and I'm really not that inclined to experiment when I now have three generations of the stuff to keep chopping and changing through. Different drying times, different resilience to clean up (even with alcohol) shades that don't match the originals I thought I was replacing? Irksome, for an old giffer getting kind of set in his ways! I'm very heavy handed with weathering powders. It's only a lack of experience, I know, so I might not be doomed to make the same mistakes forever, but still, when you want a light dusting across a models boots and suit vents, but end up with a decent representation of inch thick mud? Oh yeah, and my eyesight is chronic! Old age sucks! The blue one I promised Will months ago: And the WG colours- tan wash over sand (how that equates to 'bleached bone' is beyond me...) Comments and advice welcome, guys. Like I said, I might dig them out again when I've had a wee break. I'll add script to the plates/scrolls, possibly try to represent rubber and/or stainless steel on the arm hoses, but beyond that I'm at a loss.
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