I’ve had the bits and pieces to build a Wasp for a while but I’ve shied away as it’s quite small and there’s loads of fiddly resin. I know there’s one on the way in 72nd scale imminently but thought this GB is a good place to start with what I’ve got.
The base kit is Airfix’s Westland Scout with a couple of Air Graphic’s resin conversion sets and an Airwaves etch set which makes a big difference to the interior.
The conversion set has a new tail, tail rotor, buoyancy pods and all the small bits for the undercarriage.
The engine set has a new Nimbus engine which is much more detailed and finer than the Airfix one in the kit.
The parts of the Scout which aren’t too bad as the original moulds date back to 1966
Two very valuable resources. Jeram-Croft and Martin’s book is a great read as well.