One of the things I'm missing from my practice builds is a boat or ship.
- after several years with little building I allowed myself 10 before my self critique become self criticism and crying in a cupboard, I'm currently on #8 (i suppose #10 will have to be a choice between an AV or a car...)
Don't fancy going back to tiny Sweeny 700 scale, nor even the less taxing 350s, so I make a shortlist of 72/48/35 kits that won't just the bank or be huuugggeee
eg. Airfix MTB or Rescue launch (or Revell equivalents), Tamiya PBR, Revell PCF.
Anyway today I spotted a nice online price for the PCF and am tempted.
I know it's a old kit with basic internals and details but it's supposed to be a decent effort shapewise and easily upgraded even without using AM parts.
WIPs and references are rather few and far apart though so I was hoping for pointers to decent articles and threads to shorten the search.
Thx in Advance