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  1. I have had this in my stash for many years, it was once started and got partly assembled and even had the first coat of (incorrect) blue. It was then put aside and left to fester. I was then browsing the web (as you do) and came across some fine pictures of a wasp. This got me thinking as I do like the look of this ungainly beast. I originally thought of building up a 1:72 Airfix Scout which is also languishing in my stash but thought the work would be too great especially on my poor eyes and the conversion set is $$$$$$$$ and in my opinion not that great. Then I remembered I had this monster. The Fujimi Wasp! I think the kit is slightly underscale (1:50 has been quoted). That won’t bother me too much as most of the building will be according to the Mk 1 eyeball. I shall use the proportion of the kit to gauge how big things should be (I currently have a vision of something akin to Homer Simpsons car design as an end result!). I have some good references about on the web and a decent walk around on this site, also there are numerous references for the scout which will provide assistance for the engine, gearbox and rotor head area. I have a shed load of plastic sheet available and I have a feeling I shall be using most of it! So onto which Wasp? My late father served on HMS Minerva in the 70’s alongside Prince Charles so I thought this would be a good start. It will be XT788 (424) of the ships flight around 1973 when they were deployed to the med and Caribbean. Unfortunately I am on the wrong side of the Atlantic to get access to my dad’s photo albums but I think there is enough on the web to see me right. Now I am not aware of any aftermarket decal sets for a 1:48ish Wasp so if anyone knows any different let me know, but in the mean time I shall have to make it up as I go along. So what have I got to start with? I managed to split the parts apart without too much damage. The basic kit is not too bad in shape and basic detail on the fuselage. Here she is post splitting, I forgot to take a shot of here in her former (not so) glory. I did get one modification right on my original build. I moved the cyclic stick to a better position as opposed to being out by the quarter light. You can see the original hole below, that would have caused some flight control problems! And the remaining in the box Most of the original plastic is useable I have no idea what is going on with this center console. It has no real resemblance to err anything! The floor is also covered in some sort of non skid pattern which is also wrong.The seats will have to go as well, although I shall use the rough size and shape to gauge the scratch built items. Not sure about the block of lego on the back! So starting off it’s a new floor and a new console from plastic card. The console is roughly assembled and needs a bit of tarting up. Just as an insight into what lays ahead this is the engine: and the gear box and transdeck area: Next up will be to do each individual panel on the centre conlsole with various switches and knobs. Lets see how this goes! Cheers now Bob
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