Here we are then, The Turtle.
By using a search engine you'll find loads of stuff about this little craft so I'm not going to add anything here.
The Box
Nice artwork - Might be able to use that for reference.
The Contents of The Box
Not many parts = Shouldn't take long
Contruction Begins......
Some light sanding to the mating surfaces prior to gluing and I'm hoping it'll fit reasonably OK, as it's moulded in clear it's tricky to tell at the moment. The "conning tower" was then added.
The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed something already. The model and the artwork don't really match! Alongside that, I'm no cooper, but I'm assuming that the hull would require some banding to hold it all together? Perhaps not a quick build after all but hoping to have fun while I do this.
It's certainly different.