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Found 3 results

  1. I’ll try to manage one more Great war biplane. This time an Austrohungarian contraption - the Lloyd C.V, a highly conventional design, as opposed to other Lloyd types (see for example the Luftkreuzer or FJ 405). The wings are covered with plywood rather than the common linen, which makes for a bit of variation. The kit is the Special Hobby 1/72: (KuK means Königlich und Keiserlich - Royal and Imperial - in case any, especially Scandinavian, readers wondered) Upon inspection it looks like a nice kit! Two plastic frets: Once you learn the the wings were plywood they look quite cpnvincing: Some pieces are rough, requiring cleanup, but nothing big. Resin engine, radiator and cockpit details: A quite rich PE fret! Includes hatches, IP, gun ring, control horns, cooling jacket for the observer’s MG and even turnbuckles. No pic of the decals, but they are in register and contain markings for a few different planes - no fancy schemes here, they are all varnished plywood with light linen control surfaces. One of the machines have the ”surumn leaf” camo applied on the upper surfaces - the one depicted on the box.All in all, looks like excellent value for money.
  2. LukGraph is to release a 1/32nd Lloyd C.V resin kit - ref. ? Source: https://www.facebook.com/LukGraph/posts/4515067408576588 V.P.
  3. Some time ago SH produced 1/72nd and 1/48th Lloyd C.V serie 46 kits (ref. 72119 & 48013). The company is now working on a new variant, the C.V serie 82 in 1/72nd as well as in 1/48th - ref. SH72122 & SH48044 Source: http://www.specialhobby.net/2017/02/sh48044-sh72122-lloyd-cv-wkf-serie-82.html New parts 3D renders V.P.
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