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Found 2 results

  1. Here is a quick photo of my latest build in progress. The kit is Hasegawa's 1/72 Ki-61 combo set featuring 2 kits from the 244th Sentai. I am going for a natural metal finish using Alclad II lacquer. The canopy has been masked and sprayed with the interior color. I will probably hit the canopy again with a clear lacquer gloss coat to protect the undercoat as well as provide a glossy surface on which to spray the Alclad II. There was some seam clean up needed behind the cockpit and especially on the underside where the leading edge of the wings met the fuselage. I used Mr. Surfacer 500 for the seam work, and then sprayed the entire model with a well thinned coat of Mr. Surfacer 1500 to act as a primer for the Alclad II. Since the panel lines were rather shallow to begin with, the primer coat neatly made them disappear. To remedy that, I used a scribing tool to deepen the panel lines and make them a little more pronounced. After the scribing was complete, I started to sand and polish the primer coat with micromesh cloth to reduce surface imperfections. . But more importantly, it has been my experience that one needs to have a glass like sheen on the surface in order to yield maximum results from Alclad II. I know it is recommended that one use gloss black as a primer for Alclad II, however it has been my experience that having a glass like surface is the most important factor driving success with Alclad II. The micromesh cloth polishing started with 6000, then moved to 8000 and 12000 respectively. In the photo, the starboard wing has been completed. The rest of the model remains to be done. Every natural metal finish attempt with Alclad is a new experience and I learn something each time. Hopefully this attempt will yield good results. I am open to suggestions / friendly critique as always. Cheers!
  2. I am bound and determined to get through my shelf of doom kits and clear off some builds. This is the third Ready for Inspection I posted today. This is the Hasegawa 1/32 Kawasaki Ki-61-1 Otsu (Tony) Shinten Seikutai. The build thread is here http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234963835-ki-61-hien;-done/. The kit was a delight to put together. There was just enough detail to make it look good, but nothing overboard that would never be seen. The only issue I had was self-induced when somehow, I lost one of the main landing gear struts. How I did this I don’t know, but SAC metal undercarriage came to the rescue. It looks exactly the same as the kit strut and fits in exactly the same manner. I did this kit to practice/learn to airbrush. (A black and terrible art that is fighting me every step of the way. Once I take a baby step forward, and I am then thrown down to the ground and pushed back a yard by the demons that control air brushing and scoff at my learning this evil, mystical voodoo.) Although for this kit, the paint went down well, even the silver under belly. I just barely weathered this plane to give it a not factory fresh, but not that far from it. I gave it some scraps and scratches, and a coat of dirt, but not the extreme weathering seen on some Japanese planes. That I will reserve for the ZM Raiden that is still being built. Here is the finished product. And here it is in its new resting place. As always, all comments welcome.
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