I have quite a few favourite models and the P-47 might on the top, shared by a couple of Spitfire marks.. It´s such a beautiful beast that oozes power!
Bought a Tamiya-model and ordered Tech-mod´s decals for Gabreski´s bubble-top. Thought I was a bit unique but it seems each and every "Jug"-kit has his decals.. Ah well..
Though I was quite happy with the cock-pit I messed up the camouflage. It got seriously messy and I was about to give up but in the end change colours and stuck to the kit. As you see I still have quite a few tricks to learn but in the end I became kinda happy with it after all.
Messed up some more things in the end (decals on the side vs the stripes among other things), will add stencils etc.
Was kinda happy with the wheels and cockpit.
There will definelty be more Thunderbolts built here! Razorbacks and in 1/48 as well.