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  1. Not sure if the assembled aficionados would class such a thing as railway modelling - God knows I've doubted it myself down the years with all the soil, cement, breeze blocks I've shifted in the construction - but I do know @Sgt.Squarehead expressed an interest in seeing some pics of it in another thread. So this is the thread where I hope to show my progress in getting things back on track (see what I did there? ) Some background... While I appreciate that endlessly plugging one's own You-Tube site, web site etc is not the done thing round here, the fact is that over the 15 years of its existence I have amassed an appreciable number of photos showing the development of the line, the buildings and of course the running stock. It follows, therefore, that rather than reproducing the whole photographic history here, I should simply direct your attention to the web-site I set up back in 2005: https://scampington-chipside.co.uk/ Given that the last time I updated the site was 2011, it's likely that some features will not work very well - particularly on mobile/tablet devices - and quite a few of the 'useful links' are broken. It's another of those many 'to-do' items which at the moment is not anywhere near the top, pending the introduction of a 48-hour day . Ironically, the way I've used the much vilified Photo Bucks to show the pics via slide shows means that they actually still work (at least they do on Win-10/Firefox). The Y-T channel, albeit mostly covering visits to other people's lines, can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAttlLHn3pZsTFrQUt00rgQ The line did fall into disuse from about 2012, due to various factors which I will not bore you with. However, back in the Summer of 2016 I found myself on an extended period of leave from work in order to care for my wife who was recovering from some major surgery. During the lulls in the caring activities, I decided to make a start on getting the line back to something approaching its former glory. Pics of that will follow, if anyone is interested.
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