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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all, I found some Warhammer scenery the other day while I was looking for something else - it's the set of Eldritch Ruins from one of the Kill Team boxes, and I put it aside originally because it looked like a lot of work to clean up. It's from the scenery range so made in China and not *quite* as nice as the stuff from Nottingham. It turned out to be better than expected with nice detail in hard (almost vinyl-like) styrene,although there were a lot of edges to scrape down and I ended up covered in a thick layer of pale green styrene shavings. Interestingly it has the look of being hand-sculpted which is unusual as most of the recent scenery is digital & complete with tooling contour lines. It's painted mostly with the contrast paints plus some normal stuff for details. I wanted it to look desertey rather than jungle, and also wanted to avoid using any green at all for the plants - they're all shades of red instead. I think the Saim-Hann rune (above) is my fave of the two pieces. I tried to get the runes to look Eldar - they're presumably made from wraithbone which is a sort of organic material potentially full of souls. It started as a pale tan and I highlighted with white ink, but then worked a lot of yellow-green into the corners and finally added some pale blue in the damaged sections. The big flower I left til last and blended through yellow/orange/warm red/cool red/dark brown. It looks quite aggressive but I don't see how it's going to catch anything other than very slow and stupid birds. Last thing was to add some moss from red flock and matt medium. It looked a bit so-so but shading around with Agrax and drybrushing with scarlet and pink has lifted it a bit and I think it works. It's been a pleasant digression - painting scenery is messy fun and it only took a couple of days. I will get back to the Titanicus buildings soon Cheers, Will
  2. Hi all, This is the first model I've finished in a while and it was a great half term build that's motivated me to do more kits. This particular kit was an impulse buy, automotive and some fast jets are my usual thing but nonetheless, it's a very interesting area to get into. I really should have gone with a flat clear-coat as it's quite difficult to see any of the colour variations... Next time I suppose. Here's a link to the WIP for bit of bedtime reading: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234955881-warhammer-40k-eldar-war-walker/ Thanks for your time and interest. (Images removed on request of new owner)
  3. Hi all, It's been a while since my last WIP and I've done almost naff all in-between. I started this build yesterday while I had some 'quiet time'. I had to sell 90% of my stash a few months ago but on the positive side, this is the perfect opportunity to build a budget kit... 1. ...Which this isn't. There's a new Games Workshop store literally down the road from college. A while back, I needed some blue paint for a sculpture but came out with this £18.50 kit and no blue paint... Nice shop full of friendly people, shame their products are so expensive. 2. The kit is very nicely moulded, with fast and easy assembly in mind as the aim is to build a large army. There's not that much to this kit, so it looks set to be a quick WIP which suits the 'Half Term' holiday! The decal sheet is pretty good with a massive range of markings, some in pearlescent finish. 3. Even though this is all fantastical, there is literally a by the book way of going about this but you can paint your model/army however you want, which I will do... Whilst I was building/cleaning up sub assemblies yesterday, I lined up a few basic military style schemes: Grey (XF-24 base with XF-66 shadows and XF-53 highlights) Brown (XF-64 base with X-9 shadows and XF-52 highlights) Olive (XF-51 base with XF-62 shadows and XF-49 highlights) I'm going for the olive scheme as I'm fond of the look of Vietnam era Cobra and Huey's, battered olive drab with bits of wild colour here and there. Not too fond of the wacky 'race car' type paint schemes that are the norm with this stuff! 4. First off, the black parts. I mixed too much black paint (XF-1), so I had a little try at 'pre-shading'. Bit pointless as I'm supposed to be using the colours to do this... 5. Khaki Drab base (XF-51). The black 'pre-shade' actually seemed to work quite well but I kept on layering on more paint until it was barely noticeable... Now I will have to rely on the colours for effect! 6. Later yesterday night, I applied the Olive Drab shadows (XF-62) and Khaki highlights (XF-49). At the time, the effect seemed too stark, so I misted over the base and highlights with over-thinned Khaki. I might have gone a bit too far as the model looks quite dusty from a distance... 7. ...Close up, it looks O.K. I was a bit more sensible with regards to the cockpit and operator, the colour blends and highlights are much better to my eyes. This is my first attempt at painting these things, pre-shading and simulated lighting so it's a bit of a curve! I also brush painted the black details with black (XF-1) and rubber black (XF-85), Tamiya flat paints brush surprisingly well when thinned a little. A gloss clear-coat was applied after the black paints had dried. 8. With the gloss clear-coat given almost 24hrs to flatten and cure, I'm back on it this evening. I've not had much success with Tamiya gloss clear but this time it worked really well. After some trials, I found that a slightly 'over-thinned' mixture first misted on then followed by a wet coat after an hour, yielded the best result. 9. I thought it best to add a little colour to one of the legs, so I did this while rotating around applying the decals. Looks like something psychedelic is happening... I'll probably opt for a semi-gloss finish as the Tamiya flat clear-coat is quite tricky to use... This leg and the areas with the decals have been since been sealed with a gloss clear-coat. I'll leave the model for 48hrs so that the clear-coat can flatten and cure before moving onto the oil based stuff. More to follow soon, thanks for looking. (Images removed on request of new owner)
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