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Found 22 results

  1. FSC Breuning is to release in 2016 a 1/72nd Blériot 125 (Bl-125) resin kit. Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/exposition/exposition-de-bron.html Box art V.P.
  2. Hi BM'ers, Here is my first completion of 2020 and a slog it was too. First some detail. The Caudron racer was a new racer that was designed to participate in the Deutsch de la Meurthe Race of 1939. The new design had the wing of a C.560, the fuselage of a modified C.712 and fitted with a new Renault 12-cylinder prototype engine to develop 900 hp. The new racer was going to be called a C.712R but propaganda and wanting to prove that the aircraft descended straight from the C.714 fighter, the aircraft was called a C.714R. Once the 714R was completed, it was to be transported to Istres but unfortunately war was declared on September 3 and the aircraft never took to the air. During the war years, the new racer was hidden in the basement of the large Renault exhibition hall on the Champs-Elysees and when the war had ended, it was brought up for an aeronautical exhibition at the Winter Velodrome of Paris. The finish for the 1939 Deutsch de la Meurthe race was going to be a colourless lacquer through which you could see the wooden sheets but it was repainted a very dark blue and exhibited for a long time at the Air Museum of Le Bourget and is now in storage. Here is my representation of the 714R using 1/72 Dujin resin kit. I have built one resin kit before but it wasn't as bad as this one by a long way. Parts like the undercarriage were a total mess and scratch options were the only way to go. The exhaust stacks were not defined in any way, so they were scratch built too. The French udder flash was painted using Humbrol enamels. Although she looks black, MRP Insignia Blue was painted overall. Kit decals. The figure is an OO gauge factory foreman from the railway fraternity. And just to show youhow small these racers were when compared to a P-51 of the same scale. WiP here: Has this put me off Dujin kits, to late, I have another 3 or 4 to do but they look much better. Thanks for looking. Stuart
  3. Though I'd dip my toes into a resin kit build, haven't done that in a very long time. I recently purchased a number of Caudron racers from Dujin and thought I'd start off by looking into the 714R. First of all... ...the box, looks innocent enough. Open the box, open the box! A PE fret, a vac canopy and some nicely printed decals...looking good. Aaahhhhh!!! I dare not look too closely at the moment but it looks like I've got my work cut here with lots of cleaning. And three pages of stuff that only a Google translator will be able to decipher. Am I put off, nah, just a flesh wound, modellers are made from this stuff. You can all have a laugh now. Stuart
  4. A build from 2 years ago. Where to begin... I am not easily scared by a kit. Any kit. That's not the same as to say that I like a bad kit. I don't. I never had a tête-à-tête encounter with a Dujin kit before. I knew about them, I knew that Monsieur Dujin passed away some time ago, and I have seen some built models of the kits on the Net. Nothing that I saw enticed me, in the least, to go and get one. And now I know, by own experience, why. A dear friend and fellow modeler and artist from Yorkshire, Fogland, Andrew Nickeas, had a very kind gesture and bestowed upon me a number of kits, that happened to arrive for my birthday. Very nice kits, mind you, but (hidden) among them was a Dujin Breda 33. Oh, the horror 😉, even if you are French...there are limits! 🙂 This is one kit that would definitely not be a pleasure to build. And most emphatically one of the least good looking castings I had the (dis)pleasure of seeing first hand. Now, is it just this kit? a failed copy that somehow made it to the market? But I got ahead of myself...what is this plane? Prima facie an elegant Italian design from the 30s, that belonged to an interesting line of planes like the Breda 39 and 42. Look them up: machines with graceful lines that participated in a great number of sports events and had attractive color schemes. This specific design, the 33, had numerous changes throughout its life, so beware when you look at photos because they had different engines, wings, canopies and other features. There is 1/72 Choroszy Breda 39 in a couple versions, a different model of course (although similar), so -heavens be praised- if you like to build a machine of the sports Breda family you won't have to deal with a Dujin kit. And so we arrive to the completion of the Dujin Breda 33, not after having to follow some meandering paths due the not particularly gracious nature of this kit. My thanks to Andrew Nickeas for the birthday gift of the kit, to Arctic Decals for the extensive decal sheet, and to Fabrizio D'Isanto for his helpful comments. None of them is to blame for any faults in this model 🙂 As it is the case with a number of Dujin kits, the provided decals are of low quality and incorrect. If you have this kit, Arctic Decals set will save the day. The results you may obtain with these Dujin kits (with some effort) are failry good. Monsieur Dujin released a great number of kits of a variety of subjects. Whilst the quality of the masters seems very fair, the kit production aspect (resin casting) is not that good. But if you are tenacious and want that baby, it is doable. We owe a lot to M. Dujin in any case, since many of these subjects may have been never kitted (and probably will never be again). His enthusiasm and love for the hobby were surely great, but the kits are perhaps not for the average modeler. I am glad I built this one, and now we can look at a nice lines of a fine Italian sports machine, thanks to Monsieur Dujin (and lots of work and persistence!).
  5. A build from 2 years ago of a very elegant plane. The WIP is here: And so I don't have to repeat here what is written somewhere else: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darmstadt_D-18
  6. A build from 2 years ago of a very elegant plane. And so I don't have to repeat here what is written somewhere else: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darmstadt_D-18 My luck dictates that many times fellow modelers gift me Dujin kits. I accept them with a sigh of resignation. Then I start having nightmares about building them. I think I finally end up building them as a sort of exorcism. But not all Dujin resin kits are created equal. And in this case, that is good! The 1/72nd Darmstadt D.18 I got is a better kit than the Breda 33 that I previously built. But whatever you could say about the (despicable) casting of the Dujin kits (and with good reason!) has to be balanced against the prolific output of this French manufacturer and the vast scope of his releases. You can see in the accompanying photos that the casting in this kit is better, if not at all impeccable either. The web is very thick in parts and there are some bubbles. A particular annoyance are the pouring channels at the rudder, in the form of two slabs of resin that you will have to remove. I kept wondering why the fin/rudder was not made as a whole part attached to one fuselage side, or even a separate part. The parts have detail and you can tell the original masters were good, but during casting some of the sharpness was lost, but nothing really bad. In any case, after about 40 minutes or so the parts were removed form the casting web and given a cursory clean-up and preliminary sanding (wear mask or do it under running water, resin dust is toxic). You get a brief historical note with color calls, a scaled 3-view, two sets of landing gear legs and two flattened metal wires that should serve as struts. It is very likely that I'll end up substituting the resin landing gear parts -including the tailskid- for sturdier and better home-made parts. Resin landing gears have very little mechanical strength. You don't get any decals or assembly guide/drawings. This is a good kit compared to bad resin kits, but so-so compared to the best examples of resin kits. The price is fair, though, and I deem it a good deal for what you get. The interior detail consists of a cockpit floor with two bucket seats, two instrument panels, and perhaps a joystick (not clear if a resin part is the joystick or some random accretion). Again, since there is no parts map, exploded view or similar device, it is hard to tell. Beware! The engine is incorrect for any version of this model: Now how screwed up is this: The new landing gear legs are fabricated. Photos show shock absorbers of different lengths, depending on the time in the life of the one plane built, so two sets were made. The kit's copper strut material (way too soft) was replaced by airfoiled brass (once again, thanks Andrew): Typical I will not fit interior: The signature eccentric (not concentric) wheels: Removing the abundance of blobs and excretions from the inner walls: The fuselage halves are glued together. This is not a good fit, and if you align the nose, the tail will be off, and vice-versa. The offset can reach up to 2mm, huge for such small scale and model. You may have some re-contouring to do. Do not sand too much either to obtain flat fuselage halves gluing area, or you may end up with a too narrow fuselage girth. Needless to say putty will be needed at the seams. Since I am building the later canopied version -as said before- the nose will have to be sawed-off and rotated 180 degrees to leave the single cylinder (now on top) at the bottom, and the seam thus created will need to be hidden too: Creation of a master and vac copy to make the wanted conversion of this kit: The nose as explained before has to the sawed-off and rotated 180 degrees. An alternate method would be to fill the five cylinder locating holes and drill new ones in the right positions. So this is clear, the no-canopy earlier version depicted by the kit does not need these changes: The superb decals from Mika Jernfors (Arctic Decals) arrived in the mail today. Bear in mind that, since these are Alps-printed decals, you have to cut and trim each subject separately (the carrier covers the whole sheet). You have to handle them properly too, if you do no problems will be encountered: A caveat: Some drawings depict the roof of the canopy as being solid, which is inaccurate. Photos show there were windows on the roof too, up to the second post (the back of the pilot). After that it was solid: Many parts had to replaced, being the ones in the kit terribly poor: New cylinders are needed: Completed model is here:
  7. FSC Dujin has just released a 1/72nd Morane-Saulnier MS.474 Vanneau resin kit - ref.FSC 012 Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/liste-des-kits-fsc-dujin/morane-saulnier-ms-474-vanneau.html But also a 1/72nd Morane-Saulnier MS.474 Vanneau resin kit - ref.FSC 009 Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/liste-des-kits-fsc-dujin/morane-saunlnier-ms-475-vanneau.html V.P.
  8. After the R-36 (link) FSC Dujin has just released a 1/72nd Renard R-38 resin kit - ref. FSC035 Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/renard-r-38.html Instructions: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/medias/files/plan-de-montage-renard-r-38.pdf V.P.
  9. FSC Dujin has just released a 1/72nd Renard R-36 resin kit - ref. FSC033 Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/renard-r-36.html Instructions: V.P.
  10. FSC Dujin is to release soon Caudron Caudron C-362, 366, 430, 450, 460, 461, 530, 560, 561, 660, 690, 712, 720, 714 & 860 resin kits. Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/exposition/exposition-de-bron.html [/center] [/center] [/center] V.P.
  11. New by FSC Dujin - ref. FSC 014ME - Messerschmitt ME-208 Instructions: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/medias/files/plan-de-montage-nord-1101-ramier.pdf Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/messerschmitt-me-208.html - ref. FSC 014A/ FSC 014M / FSC 014 CIV Instructions: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/medias/files/plan-de-montage-nord-1101-ramier.pdf Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/nord-1101-ramier.html V.P.
  12. FSC A.Roy has just released a 1/72nd Guerchais Roche GR.70 resin kit - ref.FSCR 004 Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-a-roy/guerchais-roche-gr-70-1.html Instructions: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/medias/files/plan-de-montage-guerchais-roche-70.pdf V.P.
  13. FSC Dujin is to release in 2016 a 1/72nd Wassner WA-30 Bijave resin kit. Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/exposition/exposition-de-bron.html Box art V.P.
  14. FSC Dujin is to release in 2016 a 1/72nd Centrair C-101 Pégase resin kit - ref. FSC802 Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/exposition/exposition-de-bron.html Box art V.P.
  15. FSC Dujin has just released a 1/72nd Centrair C-201 Marianne resin kit - ref.FSC 802 Instructions: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/medias/files/plan-de-montage-centrair-marianne.pdf Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/centrair-c-201-marianne.html V.P.
  16. FSC Dujin has released 1/72nd Morane-Saulnier MS880 Rallye resin kits Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/morane-saulnier-ms-880-rallye.html ref. FSC 501 ref. FSC 501-B ref. FSC 501- CIV Instructions: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/medias/files/plan-de-montage-ms880-rallye-1.pdf V.P.
  17. Based on the original JP Dujin 1/72nd resin CAP 230 kit (to be re-release this year), JFR Team (http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/?version=desktop) is to release in 2015 a CAP 231 - ref. FSC 502 1B - and a CAP232 - ref. . The CAP 231 is already available and the CAP 232 will be available late February 2015 For a better understanding of the differences between the CAPs see here: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/medias/files/notice-speciale-cap-23x.pdf ref. FSC 502 1B - Mudry CAP 231 Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/liste-des-kits-fsc-dujin/mudry-cap-231.html ref. FSC 502-2TOTB/ 502-2DIJ/ 502-2MIDP/ 502-1EX /502-2TOT / 502-2EVAA / 502-2SH V.P.
  18. Based on the original JP Dujin 1/72nd resin CAP 230 kit and after the CAP 231 & 232 ( http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234975864-172-mudry-cap-231-and-cap-232-resin-kits-by-jfr-teamfsc-dujin-released/), FSC Dujin has released a 1/72nd Mudry CAP 230 resin kit - ref. FSC 502 Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-dujin/liste-des-kits-fsc-dujin/mudry-cap-230.html V.P.
  19. Facing the soon SBS kit ( http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234981515-172-loire-210-resin-kit-by-sbs-model-release-2015), FGMmasterdujin is to re-release Dujin's 1/72nd Loire 210 resin kit - ref. DA7204. Source: http://fgmmasterdujin.e-monsite.com/pages/loire-210.html Provisional box art V.P.
  20. FSC A.Roy has just released a 1/72nd Microturbo Microjet 200 resin kit - ref. FSCR 002 Instructions: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/medias/files/plan-de-montage-microjet2.pdf Source: http://www.jfrteam-neufgrange.fr/pages/maquettes-fsc/fsc-a-roy/microjet-200.html V.P.
  21. FGMmasterdujin (http://fgmmasterdujin.e-monsite.com/) is to re-edit the Dujin 1/72nd Potez 566 T3 resin kit - ref.? Source: http://fgmmasterdujin.e-monsite.com/ V.P.
  22. FGMmasterdujin (http://fgmmasterdujin.e-monsite.com/) has just released a 1/72ndANF Les Mureaux 190 C1 resin kit (ex-Dujin) - ref. DA7245. Source: http://fgmmasterdujin.e-monsite.com/pages/a-n-f-les-mureaux-190-c1.html V.P.
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