Hi Folks,
Here is the new build!
This will be built alongside the Vosper as this is approaching the paint stage which I've got to admit is my least favourite task. Mainly because I'm C*** at it.
The build will be built on Christians latest hull a 'Fairmile D' @ 1/72 complete with spray rails and rubbing strake which he has kindly let me have the first one. http://www.mtbhulls.co.uk/home
This picture is the inspiration for the build, taken in Bastia, Corsica.
The hull is a superb rendition of the Dog Boat hull requiring very little in the way of preperation, a few air bubbles and the odd blemish. Great job Christian. After washing, sanding with wet and dry, washing it was primed with Acrylic grey primer.
Thanks for looking in