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Found 1 result

  1. Hello friends and welcome to my latest attempt at not going cRaZy! 😇 having had a break from aeroplanes for my last few build I decided to come back home with a bang. Airfix’s wonderful Hawker Hurricane 1/24. I Bought her a while ago from a Debenhams internet sale for the princely sum of £16 pounds. 🤗 I have been waiting for the right moment to build her and now feels like a good enough time. I was wondering through the stash opening boxes and feasting my eyes here and there when the light soft blue plastic just called to me. 🦕 she’s pretty old so I’m going to do some scratch work as I did with the Messerschmitt. I’ll have her worn and weathered too. Now let’s not go all anal on this, I’ll try my best but I’m not a river counter so you’ll have to cut me some slack. I will however welcome all the help I can get. If you’ll care to tag along that is. well then let’s get this party started. It’s only the box. 🌪 As you can see she’s a big un. That’s an A1 cutting mat. 😳 The sprues next. And some bits that fell off. 🤣 The instructions are very old but comprehensive. A little bit too comprehensive. 😮 I’m going to have fun with this. 🤗 I’ll be doing the box scheme. but worn, not too much mind just to keep @Martian Hale happy. 👾 This will be my main guide. upon opening when I got it home imagine my surprise. 🤩 signed by the man himself. It’s a sign I tells ya. 🤓 Ooooooh it’s all very exiting but I can’t help but think that I’ve missed something? Feels like there’s an elephant in the room. Hang on what’s that over there? 🤔looks like......... wait it can’t be......... DON, DON, DONNNNNNNNNN! behold ze heffalump. 😳 big isn’t it. 😆 Now in all seriousness I’ve read various things about this here spinner. I’ve seen pics where it looks awful and some where it looks good. I’m not quite sure what to do about it but I figured the BM massive could point me at replacements or similar but truth be told I did a dry fit and. I quite like it. it’s a hell of a hooter for sure but if it was fitted at some point I’d it so wrong? Even side on it looks ok to me but what do I know. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Mr Scarborough suggests asking a friend with a lathe to make you a new one from wood or steel. 😳 This suggest that the after market models industry wasn’t established in the mid 1970s🕺 Well there we are for now. I’ll start with the engine I guess, I have the air scale IP decals and the Eduard belts winging there way from our BIG yellow friend as we speak. So join me if you will on a rather excellent adventure. “My first hurricane” 🌪 Hope you’re all having a lovely sunny week. All the best and as always. Happy modeling. Johnny Hurricane. 🌪
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