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  1. It's time for a new project. No commission build this time but a bit of a redemption project for myself. I struggled with the water section in the R35 diorama and i learned from it. Now i want to do a new diorama with water to see if i can do better. I recently bought this set from Tamiya. The panzerkampfwagen IV ausf. F. It comes with a crew and a motorcycle with driver. I want to do a new DAK project and this is the right kit to do it. Not shure yet what the layout will be but let's build this kit first. Beeing Tamiya it almost falls together by itself. Every part fits like a glove. And there is little to no flash or cleanup to do. I love it after a couple of complex builds. This is were i'm at right now. I think i'm going to enjoy this one. Feel free to tag along for the ride. Cheers! 👍👍👍
  2. This was a fun project! A commission build for a retired army veteran. He wanted a scale replica of his old anti tank AFV. The YPR 765 PRAT has been used by the dutch army for many years. I also have worked ( against ) them when i was a leopard 2 gunner. So this subject was very familiar to me. The owner had sent me the kit and he included photo's from his own personal archive. These photo's helped me alot to achieve the right look. I took some liberties with the setting, adding a bit of a dynamic look. At the same time i tried to stay as true to the photo's as possible. In the future there will be another YPR 765 build. A friend of mine who also served wants a PRI version ( with the 25mm turret ) For now this project is finished. Come this saturday the model will meet it's new owner. I'll leave you guys with the pictures and i hope you enjoy them and/ or get inspired. Thank you all for taking the time to look and comment.
  3. So.... for everything there is a first. I practice my hobby with 1 rule: never start a new build before the current build is done..... However, i made a big booboo with the R35 groupbuild diorama. I'll post an update in that topic soon. Very short version: i made a mistake that left me with a lot of cleanup and a whole lot of time doing nothing while stuff was drying. About 2 weeks ago i recieved another commission. A dutch army veteran asked me if i could build a scalemodel version of the YPR765 PRAT he served on. I recieved the kit. It's the AFV club version of the dutch YPR. So.... with nothing to do i decided to break my one rule and start a new build while the R35 diorama recieved the patience treatement. Here is the box And here is the inside of the box The client did send some photo's of his vehicle for reference. The kit comes with a few sprues, a lot of small parts, vinyl tracks, some PE and a big decalsheet full of dutch markings. The build itself is pretty straight forward. The only downside with this kit ( i haven't worked with AFV club before ) is the fact that very small parts are connected to the sprue with very big lumps of plasic. The plastic itself is a bit dry and breaks quite easy. Other then that i had no problems assembling the kit. This is the result of 2 days of building Sadly the kit comes without any form of interior so everything has to be closed. The sides of the tub were quite warped so used lengths of sprue to push them straight. After the upper deck was placed i spent a whole afternoon and evening placing a sh*tload of small parts. The overall fit of the parts is decent and there were no issues while building apart from a lot of cleanup of parts. After 2 days of building the kit was complete.... Still.... i had time to spare. The R35 diorama started looking a bit better but still more patiently staring was needed. Oh well let's grab the airbrush and give this model a coat of primer. After some highlighting with white i made a custom color mixing ammo mig OD version 1 with sandgrau. And an hour later this was the result. Basecolor done. Added some higlights and shadows. The color is a bit light compared to the official color used by the dutch army in the eightees but it will get toned down a bit using oils. In the end the green needs a bit more of a greyish hue. So this is were i'm at right now. Tomorow i hope to finish the R35 diorama and friday i'm of for a week vacation. After that i'll finish this one. Cheers guys! 🍻🍻🍻
  4. This is my take on a captured T-72B1 in Ukrainian service. I tried to give this model a worn battlefront look without going overboard. It was a fun build. Not too complex but challenging enough to keep me on my modeling toes 😁 I can recommend this kit to anyone who wants to build modern AFV. All comments are appriciated. Thank you all for taking a look and a special thank you to all of you who tagged along with the build. In the next week this model is going to be sent to it's new owner and i'm starting my next project. As always: I'll keep you guys posted. Cheers!!! 👍👍👍
  5. I've started a new and very exiting project. Together with a couple of friends i met trough Instagram we decided we are going to do an Insta Group build. We all are making diorama's with the French early war R35 light infantry tank. In October we will present them all at SMC Eindhoven. I chose the version from hobbyboss. It comes with a full interior, PE and link 'n length tracks. My diorama will be set in a French village in the days before the german invasion of France. I ordered a streetcorner with house from RT-Diorama ( some of you may know the brand from the watermill video from uncle nightshift ) It's a plaster molded diorama base. I also order various figures, a tankcrew from Dynamo models and some cats and dogs. This will be a big project, by far my biggest diorama yet. So first things first: the R35. I started building the engine and gearbox. It's a tiny build and i discovered right away that this kit is not the best in terms of small parts. There is a lot of flash to clean up but the biggest issue is with the placement of the ejector pinmarks. Often they are in the most horrible places so they require alot of attention to carefully clean without breaking the part. The detail on the parts is decent and when a subassembly is finished it looks really good. There are some oddities in the kits instructions. For example: This picture shows a cut away in the main part. However: This is the actual part. Smooth as a babies bottom. To fit the tail light i had to alter the angel of the part to make it fit correctly. And that is the story with this kit. Most parts need additional work to fit Part D24 is way too thick so i had to sand it down to fit correctly on part B18. This kit forces you to dryfit, dryfit and dryfit again to avoid making mistakes or breaking parts. In the end it's nothing i cant handle. I enjoy the challenge but for people who are thinking of buying this kit, just don't expect Tamiya click'n fit. The interior is comming together nicely. The instruction want you to fit both sides at once but i decided to leave one side off to make for easier acces while building and painting. Here is the interior so far. And with the engine dryfitted in place. I had a good look at some reference photo's and i will try to recreate as much as possible so i will give adding engine wiring a go. In the end not much will be visible but at least i know it's there. That's it for now. Feel free to tag along, comment or stop by when you feel like it. I will try to make this buildlog a bit more extencive and post more of the process. I'll keep you guys posted. Cheers!!! 👍👍👍
  6. Time for a new project. This is my first commissioned build. It's also my first attempt at building a modern AFV so this will be fun. I recieved this model: the T-72B1 with KTM-6 from Trumpeter. It's a huge box and the model consists of about 1250 parts ( those include tracklinks and spaced armorblocks ) a lot of PE is also included. I started building about a week ago and from the get go i understood that this build will require a lot of time and patience to build. It consists of many ( tiny ) subassemblies and Trumpeter did not hold back on the details. The parts are crisp and well molded with some flash here and there but nothing too complicated to clean. As with every build i started with the lower hull, swingarms, weels and running gear. Yup, those are 15 tiny PE parts... on each side. All the swingarms are dryfitted to check how the model will stand. One thing worth mentioning is that the polycaps are a bit too high to fit in the drivesprocket. I had to cut a bit of and that solved the problem. Also the hole in the breakdisk (?) was too shallow so i had to make some corrections there to make shure the disk was alligned. All roadweels assembled. I gave them some wear and tear wich is common on modern tanks that use rubber roadweels. Here you can see something of that great detail that Trumpeter put in this model. That's it for now. Feel free to tag along and watch this thin progress.
  7. So, after the DAK diorama my youngest son (9 years old) wanted to try some modeling so we decided on this kit from zvesda, the SU-122. A nice starter kit, not too difficult and a great way to introduce my son in this great world of scalemodeling. As you allready guessed this will be an oob build. My goal is to keep my son interested trough out the build. Great way to spend some father son time together. There is a strict agreement on the tasks. My son wants to cut all the parts from the sprues and i'm in charge of cleaning and glue. Together we read the instructions and i'm explaining all the do and don't while we are building this russian tankdestroyer together. So far we got the lower hull completed. When it was bedtime i asked him if he wanted me to continue the build but he was adamant..... he forbid me to continue and he wanted to go again tomorow. This is the new generation guys 😄 This will not be the most complex build. No scratchbuilding, no aftermarket parts etc. Just fun with my son. We will keep ypu guys posted! Cheers! 👍👍👍
  8. Here is my take on the german Sd. Kfz. 222 scoutcar. A nice kit from hobbyboss. A lot of nice details, crisp moulding of the parts and overall a joy to build. The figures are from Warfront. All comments are welcome. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to look.
  9. Time for a new project. The Sd.Kfz.222 I want to do a DAK diorama so i ordered some figures from Warfront to go along with the scoutcar. The part count on this build is quite high for such a small vehicle. There is also some PE involved. First look is great. Clean sprues, crisp detail, very little flash. I will add extra stowage so there will be scratchbuilding and the making of tarps 😁 Feel free to tag along, grab a beer or 2 and enjoy the ride. I'll keep you guys posted. Cheers!
  10. Been working on an old ICM Studebaker truck. I did this to learn some new skills regarding building weeled vehicles. The kit came from an old stash and it wasn't the best. The plastic had completly dried out so i broke very fast. However, i managed to pull of a decent vignette of a russian driver taking a break. Enjoy and all comments are more then welcome.
  11. So...... time for a much needed Tamiya build. After the Bordermodel Stug i want to start a new diorama with some Tamiya builds and some leftover bots and pieces from other kits. i think these 2 models will make an excellent scene. I still have some resin figures in the stash but i also ordered some new ones: I'm thinking France early 1940 or Operation Barbarossa. The kits itself look really good for their age. The krupp got new molds in 2003 i think and there is an excellent driver figure in there. Anyhow, i think these models are just what i need, simple oob, tamiya fit. So let's crack on shall we? Cheers guys 🍻🍻🍻
  12. This is the Academy models Sherman Calliope. You can find the buildlog here: It's not my best work but i wanted to finish the model and the base so i made the best of it. Comments are always welcome. Thanks for taking the time to have a look. On to the next one!
  13. My diorama..... a Flak Bergepanther making a final stand in the ruined streets of Berlin. Slapped together with parts scrouged from deserted vehicles and leftover factory parts. Thanks for watching! 👍👍👍 On to the next one.
  14. You've guessed it.... time for the next build. Got to keep the production line going 🤣 This Flak Panther never existed irl. It was a concept that never saw production. I think it's an interesting model and i can't wait to start the build. No vignettes or diorama's this time. I think i'm going for a wooden base with a little plaquette. However, first things first.... the build itself. It's a full box that comes with PE, NOT working tracklinks and a shitload of parts 🤪 So let's start the checklist. Spruecutter ✅️ Sandingsticks ✅️ Glue✅️ Glasses✅️ Cold beer ✅️ Let's crack on! Feel free to tag along. It's always nice to have you guys around. Cheers! 🍻🍻🍻
  15. This is my Whippet vignette. I enjoyed the build very much. I took my time with the weathering and i'm happy how the whole vignette turned out. It depicts one of the first times a Whippet saw action on the battlefield during the German spring offensive in 1918. The buildlog can be found here: As usual all comments, tips, critique etc. Are more then welcome. Thank you for taking a look. See you all on the next project 👍 Some close up shots.
  16. New project. After the miniart Su-76m i needed something "easy" This model offers alot in terms of color modulation and weathering. Feel free to tag along. Grab a chair, and a brew and enjoy.
  17. I'm calling this tank finished. you can find the buildlog here: This build proved to be a real challenge. The building part as well as the caunterscheme. The weathering went well. I think i managed to give the model a dusty, sandblasted look without going overboard. The figure is one of my best so far. I still got a lot to learn in terms of weathering the lower hull and running gear. For now i'll leave you guys with the photo's. Any comments, feedback etc. Is more than appriciated as always. Thanks for having a look. On to the next one! 👍👍👍
  18. New project. this will be a more complex build. It has a full interior, a descent amount of PE and very tiny tracks that will have to be fully assembled. the number of sprues and parts: Nothing too overwelming. This is my first kit from Gecko models so i'm very curious. I've read a lot of reviews on the brand saying it is very good and that the level of detail on the parts is great. We'll see. I want to do this vehicle in the Caunter scheme placing it in Libia in 1940 - 1941. The kit comes with a figure: Looks decent. Maybe i'll order some panzer art figures in a summer dessert uniform. Since i know next to nothing about these light tanks it is also a good chance to learn a bit more about these Brittish AFV's. All and all looks like a lot of fun. Always welcome to tag along. Beer and snacks ordered 👍🫡
  19. With the Jagdtiger finished i wanted to build something small. I found this Jagdpanzer 38T in the stash. I picked it up last year in a sale. It's nothing fancy buildwise so i want to go all out with the paint. Haven't decided on a scheme yet. There aren't many sprues and the first impression is that the parts are quite clean, little flash here and there but the overall look seems ok. The plastic is a bit soft so i have to be carefull when i'm cleaning parts. The kit comes with link'n length tracks. And the assembly went without any major problems. I made the entire running gear as a subassembly. 1 down, 1 to go.
  20. Here she is, the little Jagdpanzer from academy models. It was a sort of a quick build. Fun to do. The buildlog is here: And here are the photo's. Comments are welcome as always. Tnx for looking 👍👍👍
  21. So, here she is.... my take on the Sherman M4. A really fun build that i enjoyed putting together. It's mostly OOB apart from the figures and the tracks. The build itself was as expected from Tamiya, they go together pretty much by themselfs. No issues what so ever. With the paint i kept it simple. Just a baselayer of OD with highlights and shadows. After that i did some color modulation with oils, added rust, dust, stains and spots. All the chipping was kept very light. The figures are aftermarket from a certain chinese webshop. They were a real pleasure to paint. Tarps were made with Tamiya epoxy putty. Towingcable was scratch build. Anyway, my goal with this build was to keep it simple. Nothing over the top. Work on my paint and weathering skills and work on my patience ( i tend to overdo things ) I'm happy with how she turned out. A dusty, battlefield used Sherman. So here are the photo's. I hope you enjoy them. Feel free to comment. Tnx all for following my buildlog and for taking the time to read and write. On to the next one!!! Cheers! 👍👍👍
  22. And now for something completly different..... I found this little kit from Das Werk in an online sale so i picked it up together with the Zvesda KV2. After spending hours planning, building and researching the RFM StuGIII i needed a bit of a breather.... something not to fancy so here she is.... i will call this one "my little tankie" ( Just because the full name sucks monkeyballs to type out everytime 🤣 ) Only 2 of them were build by Reihnmetal. The production process was slowed down so by the time the 2 prototypes were ready for field testing both the armor and the PAK38 gun were absolete so the project was abandoned. There is no known history of battle deployement. The boxart of this kit looks nice and the box itself is realy sturdy. Only 4 sprues in the box!!!! After the StuG this looks like heaven to me! 😁 This will be a fun little build. Since this was a prototype i think of doing it in a panzer grau. Keeping it simple and subtle. As always feel free to tag along, comment, shout, do whatever you want. I always enjoy the interaction with you guys! I'll keep you guys posted! Cheers!👍👍👍
  23. So here she is, my KV2. The Russian Juggernaut. If you are interested you can check my buildlog where you can see pictures of my various mistakes 😁 always nice for future reference. It was a nice build. I like Zvezda, they produce good kits for a good price. Nothing too complicated, just a straight foreward ootb build. I gave myself the extra challenge of adding figures and i really liked to learn new skills. I'm far from an expert but for a first time they look descent. Anyway, here are the pictures. Comments, tips, etc. Are more then welcome as always. Thanks for watching! 🙏🙏🙏
  24. And on to the next build. While i'm gathering resources for my Tiger project, i started with this Russian Juggernaut, the infamous KV2. This is a kit from Zvezda. Never build one of their kits before so i really don't know what to expect. First impressions: the parts look fairly clean, little flash or excess sprue. The plastic feels a bit the same like Italeri kits. It's sturdy but soft enough to work with or clean up. Altough the instructions are in Russian, the pictures are very clear so building this kit is pretty straight foreward. Today i started with the assembly of the hull and there were no problems. Lot's of small parts that add detail to the model. i'll try to work in segments as much as possible. So that i can paint up certain parts before assembly. Downside to the kit are the link and length tracks. I need to come up with a method to soften the straight upper track part to create sagg. Maybe work it with a blowdryer. I haven't decided on the direction i will take this kit. I found some pictures of a winter camo so maybe that will be the theme but as i said, i'm undecided.....we'll see... As always, feel free to tagg along, comment etc. All input is more than welcome! I'll keep you guys posted. Cheers! 👍👍👍
  25. Here she is. The pak38 auf gp.mun.schlepper from Daswerk. You can find the buildlog in the work in progress section. ( still don't know how to direct link it 😵 ) It was a fun little build. I struggled with the link and length tracks but the rest was a welcome breeze of fresh air after the StuGIII. In the end i didn't do a pinwash. Just some light streaking and a dustcoat. Anyway, here are the pictures for you to comment on. All feedback, tips etc. Are more then welcome as always! On to the next build. A KV2 from Zvesda. I'll keep you guys posted in the next buildlog. Cheers!!! 👍👍👍
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