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Maddoxx77 last won the day on March 27

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About Maddoxx77

  • Birthday 01/18/1977

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    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Modeling, judo, cooking, whisky, reading

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  1. Nice! I got mine a year ago and it's a gamechanger!
  2. Tnx for the advise 👍 in this case the upper hull can't be constructed while working with sub assemblies. Luckily i tackeled this problem with the T72 so i know how to work around it. That beeing said, for future builds this tip will shurely come in handy so thanks again!
  3. I would love to do that but there isn't enough room to put the subassembly in place after painting because of the side armourplates.
  4. Time for a project to get the mojo back. The last projects weren't my finest ( R35 and the panzer4 ) however, the 2 commission builds were great! I enjoyed them very much and i really felt on top of my game so i took on another commission build. This time the T64 BULAT landed on the workbench. This will be a diorama / vignette build so it will take some time. Having worked with Trumpeter before a couple of times i have to say i really like the brand. They offer alot of detail with crisp parts, very little cleanup and overall a good fit. Here is the mandatory sprue shot Decent amount of parts, some PE but nothing too complicated. So let's start the build. As always the lower hull is the place to start slapping parts together. Nothing too fancy. Some of the weel arms are a bit loose so before everything is glued i have to make shure all the weels line up flat. I wanted to divert from the obvious muddy terrain setting so i got me some uncle nightshift inspiration with his video's about buildings made from styrofoam. I want this T64 placed in an urban setting. It gives me a new challenge and it offers me something different to do when i don't want to work on the model. Here is the drawing of the building and some inspiration i took of the interwebs I often use photo's to get a feel for the scene i want to create, in this case i'm going for an old garage in a small village in the Ukrain. Not shot to pieces but just old and abandoned. After 2 days this is what i've got. It looks very 2 dimensional but trust the process 😁 Tonight i also finished the first part of the lower hull ( picture 1 to 3 in the build description ) looks not like much but it gave me joy for 2 nights in a row. Weels and swingarms are still dry fitted. Next up are the link'n length tracks. From what i 've seen so far i have to assemble the tracks and fit them on the model. The side armour doesn't offer enough space to fit the weels and tracks after painting. I had this issue also with the T72 so i know what to do. And that's where i'm at right now. Squeezing some bench time in here and there, taking my time and enjoying a new challenge of making an old building. I'll keep you guys posted. Cheers! 🍻🍻🍻
  5. Great job @FrancisGL The thing i like the most is the way you achieved that metal patina look on the model. The rust combined with the green paint and the hints of bare metal makes this thing look so heavy. Overall another great build!!!!
  6. Looking good. Very clean building and the added weldlines look great 👍👍👍
  7. Great stuff @Keeff the mud works really well with the camouflage colors. I really like the added branches and bushes.
  8. Looks great. I'm starting with a trumpeter T64 today so your build is very inspirational.
  9. Tnx for your kind words @FrancisGL always a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you @echen your comment is much appriciated
  10. Thank you @modelling minion for your kind words
  11. Tnx@Stef N.@Hamdenand @Keeff for your kind words. My wife's recovery is going well although it is a long process. I shelved the model for now and i have taken on another commission build. That will get the mojo back. I'll keep you guys posted.
  12. It's been a while. Not that i haven't been working on the model but only in very small portions. Real life is kind of busy right now. My wife had shoulder surgery and needed my attention, work has been crazy due to a big reorganization....etc. All of that combined killed my mojo a bit. The result was that this project became a struggle. From the moment te buildstage was done the flow was gone. Every time i worked on the build the R35 diorama was staring at my from the corner of my eye screaming for attention. Skillfully ignoring the R35 i slapped paint on the panzer 4..... needless to say i wasn't happy with the result. I did not like the color ( i was working with atom paint from ammomig for the first time ) repainted the whole thing, did a run with chipping fluid, made the chips too big, fixed it, did a oil dot filter, didn't turn out very well etc etc etc. Long story short. This is the build right now. I'm not happy with the look and i think i'm quiting this project. Now i know some of you will say that it looks ok but for me the problem is that i hold myself to a higher standart. I know i can do better than this. For now i think i'm going to shelf this one and decide what i want to do to get the mojo back. Thank you all for your kind words in this tread. I really appriciate all your time and comments.
  13. Love the paintjob! Enjoy your stay in Florida 🌞🌞🌞
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