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Alan Li

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    Toronto, Canada

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  1. Thanks everyone for your comments...just wanna let you know that your feedback is greatly appreciated Will see if I am able to start my F.24 in March - I haven't built anything for quite a while due to work from my day job, plus being a driver for kids' activities during weekend. Need to f ind some time to build something before my mojo gives way
  2. @Mike Thanks for the advice. Since I am not really experienced in working with vacuum-formed canopy, and as a longtime Airfix fan I certainly want to see it grow (although at the same time I also see the price of their kits keep rising here in Toronto, Canada, and it hurts my wallet!!), so I think I will live with the wrong-shaped canopy rather than ordering a replacement piece - free-of-charge or not.
  3. @PatG Thanks for the advice...I'll give it a try so I can keep my options for the Mk. XIV open.
  4. @Seawinder I tried it already...the canopy does fit, but the shape - especially when looking at it from the side - looks a bit off.
  5. Hi all, I am building my Airfix 1:48 Spitfire F.24, and based on numerous reports the canopy is not shaped correctly. I also have the new Airfix 1:48 Spitfire Mk. XIV kit, and its canopy seems correct as I haven't heard a lot of complaints about it shape-wise. So I am thinking about building my F.24 with open canopy donated by Mk. XIV. My question is: Are the two canopies interchangeable? Thanks for your help!! Alan
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