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Revell's SA365 Dauphin 2

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Hi guys here is my Dauphin, saw one at Oshkosh many years ago and thought it looked great, hopefully this build will do it justice its been a long time since i had a go at a chopper and can't wait to get going on it.

The required box shot




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This Revell 1/72 thing is a mix of civil SA365 and HH-65. FOr a OOB will do, but without extensive scratch you can forget about real USCG version.

I got rid of mine and took 1/48 Trump with some aftermarket goodies. I think I'm missing Eduard PE only. And plenty of time.

I wish all the best...

Edited by splinter
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well finally got some progress going with this one and did a bit of research to see how close this kit is to the helicopter I saw at Oshkosh after Splinters info. Was planning a quick oob but think this could look really good with a little bit of modification. Firstly my reference photo.


Firstly the inside is fairly empty, so i'll go for a little modification on the inside and see if I can make it a little more interesting


The big difference that really stands out is the window on the port side of the dauphin doesn't exist on the HH65a so that needed some filling and then sanding once it has all dried.


And finally have put the rotor together and a quick pic of how it all looks at the end of the session


The other big omission seems to be the winch which is kind of important for a rescue helicopter so will have to build one of those aswell

Any other blinding omissions I would love to hear about, thanks for looking


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a bit of building done on this using the remains of a Lurpak container (other buttery spreads are available and probably equally good for scratch building). The storage area at the back of the cabin has been added with some tamiya tape webbing and also added what I believe is the fold down stretcher on the port side. I have two more seats to build for the cabin and some cables to put in for the various comms leads etc. although I am starting to doubt whether much of this will be seen even with the door open. Here are the pics



Thanks for looking


P.S Splinter it appears to need a couple of Antenna on the outside is there anything else that is fairly easy to change? This started off as a quick oob and now I can't stop myself is this some kind of modelling illness?

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The bulge below the fenestron has to go, for one thing. The tail skid mount is different. Have a look here:


Shape of the jetpipes is completely different - you'll have some grinding to do on the cowling, and you'll have to source some round tubing instead of the kit's "eyeglasses" shaped bits.


The main undercarriage doors as moulded in the kit are not correct - the USCG modified their birds to a semi-open wheel bay configuration without moving doors.


The fenestron and fan should actually be larger in diameter, and the engine cowling should be reshaped - but you can skip those as only the cognocenti fuss about such things.

Also, take a close look at the decals. IIRC, Revell printed the blue stripe on the wrong side of the white band.

OH! Almost forgot - make sure you check the balance, I recall that one needs a good amount of nose-weight!

(I've got one of these half-built on the shelf; sadly I lost interest and it's been gathering a lot of dust. :( )

Edited by rotorheadtx
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Yep I spotted the engine area wasn't that correct but was quite happy to ignore as I'll never get this build finished and this was supposed to be a warm up for doing a uscg Jayhawk and I wanted to build a helicopter before attempting it. I will however have a look at the tail and the undercarriage and i'll check the decals but may have to live with it or get the sharp scalpel out we'll see how it is going. Thank you for the help and the links to those pictures



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This started off as a quick oob and now I can't stop myself is this some kind of modelling illness?

You're fine ... :cold:

Seems rotorheadtx is more into the Dolphins than me :mike:

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Here is the next installment and the scratch building comes courtesy of a youth watching Blue Peter. Finally the two halves are joined


And the back half of the interior is finished



And finally a whole group of bits ready to be attacked to sort out some of the other issues.


In amongst the "Pig of Parts" is the engine bay that is covered in filler ready to be reshaped, an extra seat for the observer position behind the two pilots, an array of cables to hang from the overhead panels and a pair of props from a DC 3 but that is another build. The wheel wells have also had half of the door fitted and some filler to create the fixed gear position of the HH 65. Finally the blue stripe on the decals is on the correct side unfortunately the white stripe goes the wrong way on the side of the helicopter so I'll paint the stripe on rather than use the decal.

So much for quick oob thanks for looking



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I have started on the reshaping of the engines and am onto version 3 now which is showing the most promise.

Started by reshaping the front end of the cowling infront of the main rotor axle


Then added the kit intakes which are to be reshaped as the process continues


and finally the start of the filler is added both outside and inside the original plastic


I have started reshaping this now and hope that I got the intakes in the correct place. My biggest problem is waiting for the filler to set fully so I am building it up in small layers and then chipping away (quite literally). I have also started getting the glazing in aswell and hopefully should have this closed up and the roof on so it starts to look like a HH65 rather than a table of bits. Rotorheadtx thank you for your pics they have been very helpful and as an aside my wife grew up in Katy just down the road from you it's a small world (Although yours is a big State).



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AIRframe Resin are working on a number of SA-365 Sets:

SA-365N2 Including new tail, engine intakes and exhaust, doors, winch, etc

HH-65A USCG Including new tail, engine intakes and exhausts, doors and door blanks, winch, spotlight, aerials etc

HH-65C USCG As HH-65A but with new nose

Panther Including new tail, underside of fuselage, nose, doors, aerials, exhausts and intakes.

Decals for USCG HH-65A & C are available from Model Alliance Decals MA-150

New decals for 2012 will include French Navy SA-365 and Panthers.

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Graham - Very nice work and I applaud your patience on reshaping the engines!

aw boss man - good news about the Airframe Resin bits. New nose means Irish Air Corps version will be in my future build plans!


Edited by Dermo245
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Very Nice work well done with the interior detail, the US coast Guard have an excellent site which was invaluable for last years HH60J Jayhawk build.

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Thanks for the comments guys, i managed to drop the rotary sander and it broke so the engine reshaping has gone on hold until I get another or repair it. The chopper is now closed up with the exception of the starboard door which I was going to have open. Hopefully get some pics on soon.

ChancerUk, thanks for the links the next helo I have to build is a Jayhawk by Hobbyboss. The kit looks quite good so may just add some cushions and kit bags to the inside and this time stick to OOB

Back to the modelling table



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  • 3 weeks later...

After hours of looking at pics and trying to reproduce them in 3D I have got this far with the engine reshaping. My head hurts looking at it and I need some new eyes to take a look and see how close I am. (personally I am happy to smooth it all over and get on with finishing but having done this much I wanted to get it right).


(fix 1: needs a bit off the top of the port engine intake)




Here is the original for comparison


Having had a look at the pics myself there are a few edges to smooth but on the whole am fairly happy that it looks pretty close and is symmetrical (ish)

Thanks for looking and looking forward to getting some primer and colour on this chopper



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  • 2 weeks later...

Done some work on the main rotor over the last couple of nights based on some references I found for HH 65 markings

I made a template from the drawing I had found and started cutting trim film to match the white stripes



And here it is just waiting to dry and then needs a tidy up and the blades are finished


Hopefully the body is now finished and should be able to prime it either today or tomorrow. Paint should then be arriving next week and we can start to head towards finishing this quick (?) build



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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got this primed in white and added some colour to it, hopefully after a couple of coats it will be ready for some gloss and some decals


some black and gloss white


and finally some orange


Thanks for looking



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