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Well, it looks as though I have been beaten to the first Mustang (not really surprising!) and mine is to be Tamiya's 1/48 kit:


Markings will be decided at a later date!

First update early next week...

Ben :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)


Whilst it might be a bit boring, you can use the kit decals as 315 Squadron definitely flew on D-Day and had the normal white 'Mustang' stripes overpainted with D-Day stripes. The kit has decals for two aircraft of 315 Squadron, both with the Malcolm Hood. If you want to use the 'flat' canopy of the US Mustangs, the only aircraft I've come across in the ETO is PK*N and so you'd need to source some serials and a code letter. Alternatively, Techmod do the complete decal set but it seems a lot of effort for one code letter and the serials....

One thing, the 'Mustang' stripes were continued on the elevators and so would probably not have been overpainted - I didn't realise and missed them off on mine


Edited by timbo33

Right, the stuff has arrived (I'm going to put in a big thankyou to Graham Relish Models here - superb communication and swift delivery; if you haven't shopped with him before, I thoroughly recommend him :speak_cool: )

Anyway, here is what I have to work with:

  • Tamiya 1/48 Mustang III RAF
  • Aires Resin P-51B/C Cockpit Set


I then sprayed the first coat of (mixed by sight) 'Cockpit Green'. It maybe green, but not really that cockpity, though I'm sure it will look fine all buttoned up.


Next Update: Completed Cockpit - ETA 22:00Z :hypnotised:

Posted (edited)

Don't worry you're allowed to have 25% started before the GB begins, but best to hold back your enthusiasm 'til Friday. That Resin cockpit looks pretty good - I just used the Tamiya one - I haven't opened up the cockpit so you can't really see that much.....Just a thought though, I notice the radio installation is quite a bit different from the kit - is the resin 'pit for a RAF Mustang or a P-51? The radios were different.


Edited by timbo33

The pit of for a P-51, but seeing as the radio is mostly hidden behind the bulkhead/fuselage, I'm not going to bother with scratching a new one or doctoring the kit one. ^_^

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