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I have long wanted to do a buildup of the F-86E-10 flown by Royal Baker 'Angel Face and the Babes' using the AeroMaster dedcal sheet 48-449.  I have photo references that confirm the markings on the

port side of the aircraft in question which confirm the above decal sheet.  I also have a DVD that shows a walk around by Col. Baker and the crew chief.  On the starboard side there is a marking that appears to be a bullseye with an arrow just behind the squadron insignia.  This is not included on the decal sheet.  Does anyone know of photos that show this marking in more detail and if it was added at a later date than the decal markings?


I plan on kit bashing a Hasegawa F-86F fuselage (6-3 wing with fence) with a Clear Prop F-86A (narrow wing with leading edge slats).  The F-86F has the E-10 windscreen and the correct tail modifications used on the E models.  I think all I have to do to the fuselage is modify the area where the leading- edge wing roots meet the fuselage, the upper opening near the dorsal fin and the lower openings at the lower wing roots. 


Before I take saw and knife to plastic has anyone heard if Clear Prop plan on issuing various E or F versions of the Sabre? 

Brian J 


For an E-10 the basics are there if you swap the CP F-86A wings but you also need to remodel the base of the fin (forward extremity) to remove the raised F-86F intake/vent panel in that area so that it looks like the plain vent on the F-86A.


You also need to incorporate the mid-fuselage vents that are also on the CP F-86A.


F-86E speed brake wells also differ from the F-86F in terms of equipment, accumulators etc. The vee-screen F-86Es have an accumulator and pressure gauge in each brake well (none at all on F-86A) and the F-86E-10 onwards have both accumulators in the RH speed brake well, along with the gauges. In many ways the F-86E series represented a transition phase from F-86A to F-86F but the transition was gradual via the v-screen F-86E-1/5/6 series, through the F-86E-10 and up to the F-86E-15. Each of those main block groupings represent airframe & system changes. It's also worth pointing out that many F-86E-15s were later modified to F-86F-standard, so close examination of photos is always a good idea: don't assume!


Also keep an eye out for wing tips: the 'pimple' navigation lights were introduced during the F-86E production run, replacing the faired-in lights of the F-86A. However in Korea there is evidence of a lot of mix-and-match, with either type seen at times on later F-86E versions.

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Thanks for your insightful comments.  I began modifying that upper fuselage intake/vent panel on two Hasegawa kits several years ago as per the Clear Props A kit by referring to various photos of the E version Sabre.  Will have to refer back to photos as to other vent openings your mentioned.  I plan on doing one of the E versions in flight on a stand so wheel well/air brake detail is not so important.  I agree that photo reference is important as to subject aircraft. 


Has anybody heard if any aftermarket outfit is planning on issuing any upgrades to the Clear Prop kits? 


I don't exactly remember where I read it, it could be here on britmodeller , but it said that clear prop is doing a E also.. just a vague memory of the article.

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