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How's the Site (excluding 500 Errors) at the moment?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. If you're using more than one device, tell us about your primary, or the one that's being affected. How's the site loading?

    • It's fine thanks
    • I'm having issues with reload speeds/time-outs
  2. 2. If you're having problems, which browser are you using?

    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Safari
    • Microsoft Edge (WHY?????)
    • Other
    • N/A
  3. 3. If you're having problems, which Operating System (OS) are you using?

    • Windows 10
    • Windows 11
    • Windows 7 (you need to upgrade - seriously)
    • Linux
    • MacOS/iOS
    • Android/ChromeOS
    • Windows XP (Best of luck there!)
    • Other
    • N/A

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As I can't add a poll to this topic where some folks are having trouble with the site here, I've created this poll, and would ask that people fill it in, answering the subsequent questions ONLY if you're having problems.  If everything's tickety-boo and hunky-dory, we don't really need to know which OS or browser you're using.  Just answer the first question, choose the N/A options for the other two questions, and head off somewhere else to play ;)

  • Like 1

Firefox has problems on my Win 11 PC, but Chrome does not.

2 hours ago, Mike said:

Just answer the first question and head off somewhere else to play ;)


No can do since the other fields are required. I answer "Other" on both; feel free to delete my answers if there are not adding anything.

43 minutes ago, Fukuryu said:


No can do since the other fields are required. I answer "Other" on both; feel free to delete my answers if there are not adding anything.

Ah.... I've not set up a poll in years, so I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty. :dunce:


Edit: I've added an N/A option for those not having problems.  Your OS and Browser options are neither here nor there :)

  • Like 1

could the problem be a firmware/software conflict? or the actual hardware? my PC was built for me by a gamer and I'm running Windows 11 and FireFox and not having trouble. just wondering

2 hours ago, Abandoned Project said:

could the problem be a firmware/software conflict? or the actual hardware? my PC was built for me by a gamer and I'm running Windows 11 and FireFox and not having trouble. just wondering

In all honesty, who knows? :shrug: I build my own PCs too, but who knows whether certain add-ins, anti-virus/anti-malware apps, or plug-ins are causing the problem, or whether it's a W11 or FF problem?  IIRC, don't most modern browsers share some level of code, a bit like Apple's Webkit? :hmmm:

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Mike said:

IIRC, don't most modern browsers share some level of code

A lot seem to be based on Chrome these days

1 minute ago, psdavidson said:

A lot seem to be based on Chrome these days

Yeah, MS realised their codebase was :poop: so took on Chrome's some while ago after converting to Edge to avoid a ground-up re-write.  Some of the others do too, but I couldn't tell you who.  I can fairly certainly say that FF isn't amongst them, unless I missed that memo :hmmm:


I worked for a tech company in the 1990's and, when anyone raised a fault ticket, the stock answer seemed to be "it's not us, it's you/them".    I can't afford to go dragging my PC off to the city for a diagnostics check and possible repair, so I am hoping that this issue isn't going to leave me stranded between who's OS, hardware or updates are causing the problem.

The situation has become so regular now that I shall only be able to respond to posts once, maybe twice a day.  Each post takes three or four efforts, timing out, before it is saved or sent.   I have noticed that the biggest issue for me is if I try to go back and edit something.  That just seems to go round and round: save, timeout, reload, save, timeout reload etc., etc.



8 minutes ago, bootneck said:

I have noticed that the biggest issue for me is if I try to go back and edit something.  That just seems to go round and round: save, timeout, reload, save, timeout reload etc., etc.

I have the same experience as Mike.



13 hours ago, Mike said:

In all honesty, who knows? :shrug: I build my own PCs too, but who knows whether certain add-ins, anti-virus/anti-malware apps, or plug-ins are causing the problem, or whether it's a W11 or FF problem?  IIRC, don't most modern browsers share some level of code, a bit like Apple's Webkit? :hmmm:

We have several PCs, all currently running Windows 10. Some I built, a couple are gaming PCs, one is set up just for office work. I've used all of them to access the site, all have a similar level of errors and timeouts, and the odd good day or three when it just works. The only consistent thing is the inconsistency, namely that it'll be alright for a while then get worse for a day or two, then return to mostly okay. Year long.  Currently in a 3 day-so-far period of increasing slow loading and error page generating non-loading.



9 hours ago, bootneck said:

I worked for a tech company in the 1990's and, when anyone raised a fault ticket, the stock answer seemed to be "it's not us, it's you/them".    I can't afford to go dragging my PC off to the city for a diagnostics check and possible repair, so I am hoping that this issue isn't going to leave me stranded between who's OS, hardware or updates are causing the problem.

The situation has become so regular now that I shall only be able to respond to posts once, maybe twice a day.  Each post takes three or four efforts, timing out, before it is saved or sent.   I have noticed that the biggest issue for me is if I try to go back and edit something.  That just seems to go round and round: save, timeout, reload, save, timeout reload etc., etc.



I have exactly the same problems when I use Firefox, but when I use Google Chrome the site is butter smooth. Have you tried that?


Hi Jur,


I don't like Chrome so I uninstalled it when I bought this PC.  I have just reinstalled it and am currently using it to do some tests.

So far, the scrolling down/load more activity is working well.   I am still having issues with the other elements though: 

  • opening your (this) thread took an age, with the circling thing (egg timer replacement) going round for about 30 seconds before it would open this thread.
  • going back to a previous thread of mine and trying to start an Edit took three attempts, the first two just timed out with nothing happening.
  • Trying to add a photo and then edit it caused the "Sorry, there was an error loading more activity

As such, I don't think there is enough of improvement for me to stay with Chrome.


I will close out of Chrome now and go back to Firefox.



EDIT:  saving this post took about 20 seconds.


It would be interesting to note what (broadband) internet connection or provider is used too. 
Some issues may very well be showing up more with a different peering network.

1 hour ago, alt-92 said:

It would be interesting to note what (broadband) internet connection or provider is used too. 
Some issues may very well be showing up more with a different peering network.

British Telecom.Halo 3+ . Disfunctional website and appalingly buggy webmail, but line speed is reliable.



2 hours ago, alt-92 said:

Some issues may very well be showing up more with a different peering network.

It's possible, but it doesn't explain why a different browser on the same machine is fine

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, alt-92 said:

It would be interesting to note what (broadband) internet connection or provider is used too. 
Some issues may very well be showing up more with a different peering network.

Am using Windows 10,  Firefox and Ziggo is my provider.  Norton 360  virus protection [used Norton for about 12 years, no problems]  Adblock Plus, as ad blocker

Edited by RAF4EVER
extra info added

I think we need to look into other aspects of our users’ access methods. Maybe providers, add-ins and such, as nothing seems to jump out as a possible culprit yet. 

have all of you that are having problems tried switching off any add-ins that you have installed on your browser. These have caused problems in the past for individuals, and as some folks appear (on the face of it) to be using the same combination as myself and others who aren’t having problems, the inference could be that something else loaded on your system has started causing problems. Here’s a short list of things that spring to mind:


  • Add-ins
  • antivirus software
  • malware protection
  • internet provider 
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) software

That’s not an exclusive list by any means, but some of the possible culprits. Try disabling any that you may have noticed updating in the last couple of weeks, or just go through the list, trying the same BM page each time, and for everyone’s sake, don’t forget to switch them back on, firstly to test whether there’s any difference, but also not to leave yourself open to attack for the rest of time. 

3 hours ago, Paul Thompson said:

British Telecom.Halo 3+

Terrible ISP. I had to go with them when FTTP first arrived in my village, as they were the only option. Got sick of things not working very well after a while, plus a big price hike, and decamped to another ISP.  Many of the things that had been misbehaving immediately started working again, plus I saved almost half on the monthly cost, AND doubled my access speed. BT. The original and worst. :fraidnot:

Posted (edited)

I get this weird error on mobile chrome where the I posted feed goes to plain text and displays how the I posted feed looked on the 3rd of January happens about 1 in 10 timesIMG-6295.png

Edited by PhantomBigStu

That’s an odd one @PhantomBigStu. It looks odd on a small screen, but that could be down to a poor connection that’s dropping the CSS file, which is how most modern websites get their fancy layout and graphics. Have you rebooted your device lately? Might help :shrug: also, test the quality of internet where it happens, and lastly, charge your phone ;) 

  • Thanks 1

      Virus scanner/firewall etc is Norton. Had the same problems when using Mcafee. No malware or other addblockers, but there is one thing I use on all machines because I find it more useful than just bookmarks, which is Speeddial. I'll see if I can nobble that without doing permanent harm and then do some testing. I may be some time.  FWIW, the number of timeouts, 500 errors etc is independant of route to Britmodeller, i.e a link in an email, clicking the Speeddial icon, or going in from a bookmark feel like they're equally likely to be painless or not. That said, I've not sat down and recorded it, so there could easily be some user-induced fudgeing there.






On Chrome, on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7, I left the browser pointed at 



I returned after about 5 minutes to the screen showing what looked like the javascript for the contents of the notifications widget. I refreshed the page, and it rendered correctly. 

Nice here, innit? 😂

  • Like 1

I have just had the javascript for the contents of the notifications widget for the first time

This time Chrome on W11 using my work PC (don't tell my boss) which normally behaves well

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