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1/72 AMX AMI line birds decals


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Hello All


I did some research and I only found references to special colours decals.


I wonder if there is any available sheet to model plain line birds, something like the Italiankits decal sheet that is out of stock everywhere, or the modelmaker decal for the Typhoon, just all the different gruppo and stormo badges, numbers and maybe stencils.


especially interested in a 2nd stormo, 14 gruppo bird


Any pointer to available decals sheet appreciated.


Thank you 



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Hello Vangos


Thank you very much for the link.


That decal sheet is mostly special colours, I would like something when I can create my own AMX following a picture, I just need the badges and numbers. 


Maybe I am too accustomed to the old Tauromodels approach.


Thank you 



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The only aftermarket sheet I know of with squadron markings for a line bird is this vintage Model Art set:



Tauro did some generic numbers and roundels, but to my knowledge never any unit markings for the AMX - probably because Italeri decided to wait until the aircraft was nearly retired before finally releasing a 1:72 kit 🙄

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Thank you 


That is quite helpful. I will have a look online to try to find one at a decent price.


I wonder why there hasn't been any aftermarket activity of note for the AMX, a sheet of line birds should be quite cheap to produce, 90% of the markings are black.


Thank you 



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