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North American P-51B Mustang 'Bald Eagle' Tamiya 1/48

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Hello everybody,


I haven't been very productive this year, this one is only my second build to date;


This is a North American P-51B Mustang "Bald Eagle”, S/N 42-106839, 374th FS, 361st FG, pilot, Lt. Robert Eckfeldt and it’s the Tamiya, 1:48 kit. 


Based in Essex, the 374th FS participated to invasion of Normandy, mainly doing strike and bombing missions, before reverting to bomber escort after the Normandy campaign.

Early in the following days of the landing, upper surfaces ID stripes were over-painted, to avoid detection by german fighters, still very active.


The kit was built straight from the box, exception made for some Ultracast resin exhausts and the decals, coming from Aeromaster sheet 48214, Fighting Mustangs, Part IV.


The build was, as usual with Tamiya quite straightforward, but for the under fuselage seams, which need a bit of care and putty. I screwed the pouch with clear parts maskings and do recommend the purchase of dedicated masks, thus saving both time and mental sanity …. 


Paints are Tamiya AS12 and TS30 from the spray can, while the green overpaint is from Gunze H330 and OD anti-glare panel is from the AK real color range. Yellow is a custom mix of Tamiya flat yellow and red, to match the decal hue.


Hope you’ll like her …. 


As usual, comments and critics most welcome.




















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Brilliant, that’s on my ‘to do’ list, going to try Eduards new B with this scheme, love how you did the overspray on the invasion stripes.


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19 hours ago, Farmerboy said:

Brilliant, that’s on my ‘to do’ list, going to try Eduards new B with this scheme, love how you did the overspray on the invasion stripes.




Thanks a lot for the kind words guys, 


Farmerboys, the ID stripes overspray is basically a veil of highly diluted Gunze H330, modern RAF dark green, over the regularly painted ID stripes. 

Here is a link to the complete build album, if it can be of interest https://photos.app.goo.gl/HXDRpcdpQqx1ffKN6


I also have the Eduard B and will certainly build one before year's end.




Stef (#6)


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 Wow- nice one! I really like the way you did the overpaintd invasion stripes, the exhaust streaking, and the stains s from the oil breather vent, which indicates some serious negative g was performed. (Crew chiefs always looked for this stain when their charges landed, as it was an indication that their pilot had really mixed it up.) Too bad Tamiya screwed up the main spar/back wall of the wheel bay on their B and D Mustang kits, but that's not your fault. You should be proud of this build. :goodjob:


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