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Tamiya 1/48 P-47D, 'Gabby Gabreski's' Thunderbolt

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With the release of Miniarts P-47 kit, it's time to build Tamiya's 1/48 kit out of the stash.
Partially out of the box, just rivetted, wired the engine and brake lines, added the feed lines on the belly tank, a standby gunsight, and an Ultracast seat.
Finished with Tamiya acrylics, and Techmod decals.

Thanks for looking,


Build log:





Image1 c




Image1 b




real_Gabby1 Image4














Cockpit 1


Edited by Tail-Dragon
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Great rendition of a monster of a fighter.

They say evasive manoeuvres in a Thunderbolt involved undoing the straps and running round the cockpit.....................

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Now that I have more time I'd like to write a proper response. You have made an absolutely stunning rendition of one of my favorite planes. P-47s were made 4 miles from where I grew up and Post war Gabby was an honorary Long Islander. He was even briefly president of the LIRR where I worked for 15 years. There's an airport on the east end of LI named after him. He used to attend our IPMS shows. And was quite a character. Both the plane and the man were significant to me.


For years I shied away from the scheme because the extensive masking was past my skills. Two years ago I gave it a go but didn't try to get the scale tape overspray. That's still past my skills. Interestingly we both seen the black stripes. When I posted my photos the accuracy police jumped down my throat with pictures and arrows of how I was wrong. They asserted there was no black stripes fully around the fuselage and across the upper wings. I believe what threw them was the tape overspray that you duplicated amazingly I might add. The only places we diverged was my completely speculative red hub covers and I chose to do the underside in a British underside light grey. Medium Sea Gray? Your natural metal is most probably correct and I agree with your choice. I was using Gabreski's almost 80 year old memory. He told me personally the plane was two grays and a green. I had to butt logic and go with what he said. At least to honor him.


Since there's no chance I'll up stage you here's my rending of his plane. Thank you for doing him justice.


P-47 Gabby


Edited by Mycapt65
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