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Cid Scaleback - A Trandoshan, Apparently


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Another little character I picked up to go with my Bad Batch figures, all in the same scale as Star Wars Legends, and standing 35mm tall.  I had a bit of an issue after prepping and priming her (voiced by Rhea Pearlman from Cheers), as it must have fallen over at some point, which knocked off the head of the staff she's holding behind her back.  Bugger! :raincloud: I looked everywhere for it, using my little Shark vac to suck up every scrap of dust in the workshop, then sifting through it all before binning it.  Nothing.  I contacted the seller on eBay, 3D-Argent, and asked if it was possible to re-print the staff (foolish, I know), but 10 minutes after I emailed him, I got the urge to check through the little plastic business card  box of custom files on my desk.  It was right at the bottom, so it must have broken off, taken to the skies, and come down in this box, proving once again that you can never assume something couldn't possibly get to place X. :hypnotised: Incidentally, 3D-Argent, or Mark as he's called, was very understanding about my loss and desperation, and I can heartily recommend you look him up on eBay if you're in the market for 3D printed figures.




Anyway, she's primed, and I blocked in the basic colours after choosing them from my Citadel Base paints, then used some of their Contrast paints to deepen the shadows before I started painting.  I really like the Contrast and Shade paints that Citadel do, and suggest you give them a try if you're starting out painting figures.  I've since painted the pencil quilted areas of her jacket, and will be doing the rest of it later, when I have a minute.  She's got really weird yellow eyes with horizontal pupils, so they're going to be a treat to paint! :frantic:She's also got a bit of darker tiger-striping on her head and arms, which will be taxing. :unsure: 









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I managed to get a bit more done of Cid's jacket, finishing most of it off, perhaps needing a bit of a touch-up later.  I also did a bit of directional lighting on her shirt to emphasise her tum-tum, which looks good in normal light.  Pics are in a bit more compact format now, to save our collective scrolling fingers :D




I'm starting to enjoy this figure painting malarkey, and picked up a Green Stuff World wet palette t'other day, as the old W&N one I dug out filled up most of the usable area on my desk.  It's over twice the size of this new one, and while that's great for an artist, for painting figures with limited space, it's overkill.  I'll have to find an artist to give it to.  I'll see if my mum's still painting first, I think :)

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I finally had a bit of time free to do some more work on Cid, painting her pantaloons and shading her skin, which have various stripes and markings here and there.




I've still got her fingernails, toenails, necklace, staff and eyes to do, then the base, which I can't quite figure out yet.  I'm going to have to watch some Bad Batch to see whether they have dusty floors or what :hmmm:

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