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Stopping the Victor


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Can’t really answer your question but a company called 3D Chute Expert do a range of scale chutes including (from memory) the Phantom and SR-71. Doubt they’ll do a Victor but a look at their website might give you some ideas. Think I saw one on BM attached to a 74 Sqn Phantom and can remember thinking it looked absolutely brilliant.

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You could always try the technique this chap used for his Su-24 diorama/vignette (the ‘chute fabrication starts at around 17:45):





In addition to 3D-Chutes Expert (https://3d-chute-expert.myshopify.com), these companies make 3-D printed parachutes; maybe you could approach them for a commission:







Otherwise, perhaps our brethren in the ship modelling domain may have some tips - I reckon it’s somewhat like making sails look ‘full’:











Edited by Blimpyboy
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