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39 minutes ago, Casey said:

Please be aware of RGB color comparison issues. It will in lot of cases not work as intended. RGB is not defined standard and it is device dependant. I provide my conversions using sRGB and D65/10 observer but it is only for display purposes, all my matching is done in different colorspace (Lab).


Another problem is the quality of color data. Sometimes those sites get it by  'color picking from vendor sites' which is almost never right. You can check it easily, try 0 0 0 rgb and see what matches you get. If there is any close match, you can skip this site or app, there is no paint that is even remotely close to this color.

Noted, the one I use doesn't give you anything for 0,0,0 though it does think theres a RAL240 colour called nightshade blue that's 0,0,9

Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, PhantomBigStu said:

RAL240 colour called nightshade blue that's 0,0,9

It is also not true, RAL 240 20 05 - full color code for nightshade blue, it is directly convertible to LAB color coordinate.




This does not translate to such RGB in any systems :)


Try the math and see what LAB and sRGB you get for that.


Someone asked for generic paint color code system. RAL design is a very good one.


On the other hand, RAL design supports not physically possible colors, so the color 0 0 9 you mentioned is in RAL design range, just not existing as a paint.


RAL design colors numeric components are chosen as multiplies of 5 or 10 usually (with some exceptions), and they give quite a good representation of LAB colorspace. And there is space for all existing and not existing colors in this standard.

Edited by Casey
  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I still do not have a spectrometre....
But I always recommend mixing 285 NATO GREEN with Revell 46 + Revell 65.
3 to 1 is a good staring point.
More 46 will give brown aged, more 65 will bring you to SCC15.

Great work Casey by the way!
Applies to all your threads here.
Although I must add some of the matches here listed with a DE of >1.00 are matches I remember as being noticeable different visually.
DE 3.00 to me is "completely different". Perhaps eyes of different people are, but I conclude the standards set by the 1.00 2.00 and 3.00 tresholds are ... "gentle" ...

Edited by Steben
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11 minutes ago, Steben said:

Although I must add some of the matches here listed with a DE of >1.00 are matches I remember as being noticeable different visually.

There is a lot of metameric matches. They match only under D65 light condition, otherwise they are much worse. It seems most paint vendors use similar software in setting that prioritizes DE00 difference in LAB color space, not the overall spectral curve match.


13 minutes ago, Steben said:

DE 3.00 to me is "completely different". Perhaps eyes of different people are, but I conclude the standards set by the 1.00 2.00 and 3.00 tresholds are ... "gentle" ...

Me too, but setting the color threshold as <1.0 yields to next to 0 results :) I personally aim my recipes for 0.5DE target with minimum metamerism (if possible due to pigments).

  • Like 3
On 04/07/2023 at 20:01, Casey said:

Me too, but setting the color threshold as <1.0 yields to next to 0 results :)


A true yet sad conclusion. Alas, we still need mixing in these ages of plethora of modelling paints.
Humbrol 29 seems a sturdy classic though

10 minutes ago, Steben said:

A true yet sad conclusion. Alas, we still need mixing in these ages of plethora of modelling paints.

Funny I just posted this about topic of color mixing



Posted (edited)
On 08/06/2023 at 17:54, Casey said:

How mine went, you can see on some other forums... it was Humbrol Disaster.


NATO green, I have this:


Target: BS285 Nato Green
    Matches in: Humbrol (compared with 170 samples)
        DE00: 0.92 - AB0253 | No 253 | RLM 83 Dunkelgrun - Matt | GU 0.8

    Matches in: Lifecolor (compared with 12 samples)
        DE00: 1.38 - UA 502 | RLM 71 - Dunkelgrün | GU 11.3
    Matches in: Revell (compared with 86 samples)
        DE00: 1.60 - 36142 | Yellowish olive | GU 1.8
    Matches in: Vallejo Air (compared with 254 samples)
        DE00: 2.19 - 71.294 | US Forest Green | US Verde Bosque | FS34079 | ANA631 | GU 3.1
    Matches in: Hataka (compared with 10 samples)
        DE00: 2.20 - HTK-A016 | Dark Green | GU 9.6
    Matches in: Tamiya (compared with 40 samples) (I do not have all TAMIYA measured, so I did not have chance to measure their dedicated NATO green yet, this is the closest I found so far)
        DE00: 2.20 - XF-51 | Khaki Drab | GU 4.9


I like XF-51 as aged NATO GREEN. You can mix it (there we go again) for more fresh colour with some XF-58.


Edited by Steben
Posted (edited)

I was under the impression NATO green as an armour colour is seperate to NATO Green the British shade........


I have my own question for @Troy Smith, what actual shade of blue was MAP Deep Sky? I've had down as 2 quite different blues, painting a spitfire in one of them and ran out of paint (and a dealer sent me the wrong replacement)  

So was it a dark shade like Vallejo 899/Humbrol 15, or a more medium shade like Vallejo 965 or something different altogether? 

Edited by PhantomBigStu
Posted (edited)
On 12/07/2023 at 12:31, PhantomBigStu said:

I was under the impression NATO green as an armour colour is seperate to NATO Green the British shade........


I have my own question for @Troy Smith, what actual shade of blue was MAP Deep Sky? I've had down as 2 quite different blues, painting a spitfire in one of them and ran out of paint (and a dealer sent me the wrong replacement)  

So was it a dark shade like Vallejo 899/Humbrol 15, or a more medium shade like Vallejo 965 or something different altogether? 

Nato green as a "concept" is what Nato uses. And many model paint companies use it as a name. Yet no one calls fs34094 "nato green". It is the American green variant of the 3 tone scheme. Usually nato green is used for ral 6031 bronze green and variants. It is a ... green. Americans go slightly darker, french slightly brighter.

Nato green as a specific colour is British. It is more of a greyish olive drab. Close to dull uniforms. And used - or a variant of -by the belgian and french army from 70ties to present. But slowly phased out.

At least in Belgium new vehicles usually are in the colour of origin. The Pandur comes from Austria for example and these are quite RAL 7013. And most other kit is RAL 6031 like. 


Edited by Steben
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Well this died a death as got bogged down on the nightmare that is paint for my own purposes.....have got a few decent matches for or BSc/MAP shades since, posting though as I'm after a BS298 match as got a raf merlin to build at some point 


edIt: humbrol used to recomded 86, I'd dismissed it as it looks too light on the sample but checked Casey's measurements with the chip and its close and looks ok on larger paint sample so it will do for me, VALLEJO 890 also looks good although I no Vallejo batch consistency is non existent 

Edited by PhantomBigStu



BS298 is pretty easy to match:


Target: BS298 Olive Drab, RGB: #555546 (L*=35.51, a=-1.52, b=8.50)
    Matches in: Humbrol (compared with 170 samples)
        DE00: 1.79 - #54544A - AA1287 | No 116 | US Dark Green - Matt | GU 2.1 (L*=35.34, a=-1.43, b=6.14)
    Matches in: Revell (compared with 86 samples)
        DE00: 2.79 - #57564D - 36142 | Yellowish olive | GU 1.8 (L*=36.20, a=-0.76, b=5.10)
    Matches in: Vallejo Air (compared with 254 samples)
        DE00: 0.71 - #575646 - 71.285 | IJA Dark Green | IJA Verde Oscuro | GU 10.3 (L*=35.94, a=-1.43, b=9.32)
    Matches in: Hataka (compared with 10 samples)
        DE00: 0.97 - #555548 - HTK-A016 | Dark Green | GU 9.6 (L*=35.54, a=-1.67, b=7.26)
    Matches in: Lifecolor (compared with 12 samples)
        DE00: 3.00 - #59574D - UA 502 | RLM 71 - Dunkelgrün | GU 11.3 (L*=36.57, a=-0.02, b=5.74)
    Matches in: Army Painter Warpaints (compared with 104 samples)
        DE00: 2.33 - #4F4F3F - WP1414 | Cultist Robe | GU 1.3 (L*=32.84, a=-1.91, b=9.53)

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)



7 hours ago, Casey said:



BS298 is pretty easy to match:


Cheers I shall have to see how the acrylic dropper comes out then, assume that's the enamel version from your humbrol thread?


Also a sort of related query comparing the RGB gives the following matches (2 star being close) probably worth seeing how your data compares as I'm just used your RGB values, would help me decide if its worth buying the aqua as I already have the humbrol. 


Humbrol 163 Dropper

2* Match for FS24064


Revell Aqua 42

3* Match for FS24064


Then theres the minefield that is RAL6014, way darker than any model company seems to think it is, fortunately its long way off before I will be doing another build with that




Edited by PhantomBigStu
9 hours ago, Casey said:



BS298 is pretty easy to match:


    Matches in: Hataka (compared with 10 samples)
        DE00: 0.97 - #555548 - HTK-A016 | Dark Green | GU 9.6 (L*=35.54, a=-1.67, b=7.26)



Glad to see the Hataka paint is pretty close ! I recently bought a few of their paints as they have a good number said to be matched to British postwar colours, if Olive Drab is a good match this is a good start

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, PhantomBigStu said:

Cheers I shall have to see how the acrylic dropper comes out then, assume that's the enamel version from your humbrol thread?

It is, indeed.


7 hours ago, PhantomBigStu said:

Also a sort of related query comparing the RGB gives the following matches (2 star being close) probably worth seeing how your data compares as I'm just used your RGB values, would help me decide if its worth buying the aqua as I already have the humbrol. 

Please try not to compare RGB values :) RGB is not a fixed standard (not to mention that some colors are way outside of its range - for example Tamiya X8 has an sRGB values of: R = 261.3519 G = 185.0543 B = -22.4625)


No clue which site you are using but if it is e-paints then they are using very different sRGB conversion - to quote their website "The sRGB conversion system used is IEC 61966:2-1 D50 adapted which may differ from other conversions.". You cant compare D65 to D50. Think of them as photos made under differently colored light bulbs.


e-paints have LAB color matching, which is much more reliable.


If you are looking for x4064 family, here are my matches:


Target: 14064, RGB: #525249 (L*=34.36, a=-0.99, b=4.89)
    Matches in: Humbrol (compared with 170 samples)
        DE00: 1.28 - #54534D - AB0242 | No 242 | RLM 71 Dunkelgrun - Matt | GU 1.5 (L*=35.13, a=-0.55, b=3.74)
    Matches in: Revell (compared with 86 samples)
        DE00: 1.56 - #57564D - 36142 | Yellowish olive | GU 1.8 (L*=36.20, a=-0.76, b=5.10)
    Matches in: Vallejo Air (compared with 254 samples)
        DE00: 2.04 - #4F5043 - 71.011 | Dark Green RLM83 | RLM83 Dunkelgrün | RLM83 | GU 1.2 (L*=33.24, a=-1.60, b=7.04)
    Matches in: Hataka (compared with 10 samples)
        DE00: 0.79 - #4F5048 - HTK-A017 | Dark Green (RLM71) | GU 10.5 (L*=33.64, a=-1.37, b=4.85)
    Matches in: Lifecolor (compared with 12 samples)
        DE00: 2.41 - #59574D - UA 502 | RLM 71 - Dunkelgrün | GU 11.3 (L*=36.57, a=-0.02, b=5.74)
Target: 24064, RGB: #54534B (L*=35.07, a=-0.60, b=5.05)
    Matches in: Humbrol (compared with 170 samples)
        DE00: 1.09 - #54534D - AB0242 | No 242 | RLM 71 Dunkelgrun - Matt | GU 1.5 (L*=35.13, a=-0.55, b=3.74)
    Matches in: Revell (compared with 86 samples)
        DE00: 0.96 - #57564D - 36142 | Yellowish olive | GU 1.8 (L*=36.20, a=-0.76, b=5.10)
    Matches in: Vallejo Air (compared with 254 samples)
        DE00: 2.50 - #4F5043 - 71.011 | Dark Green RLM83 | RLM83 Dunkelgrün | RLM83 | GU 1.2 (L*=33.24, a=-1.60, b=7.04)
    Matches in: Hataka (compared with 10 samples)
        DE00: 1.60 - #4F5048 - HTK-A017 | Dark Green (RLM71) | GU 10.5 (L*=33.64, a=-1.37, b=4.85)
    Matches in: Lifecolor (compared with 12 samples)
        DE00: 1.61 - #59574D - UA 502 | RLM 71 - Dunkelgrün | GU 11.3 (L*=36.57, a=-0.02, b=5.74)
Target: 34064, RGB: #4C4D43 (L*=32.14, a=-1.54, b=5.77)
    Matches in: Humbrol (compared with 170 samples)
        DE00: 2.51 - #484E46 - AA0833 | No 75 | Bronze Green - Matt | GU 2.0 (L*=32.14, a=-2.83, b=3.77)
    Matches in: Vallejo Air (compared with 254 samples)
        DE00: 1.33 - #4F5043 - 71.011 | Dark Green RLM83 | RLM83 Dunkelgrün | RLM83 | GU 1.2 (L*=33.24, a=-1.60, b=7.04)
    Matches in: Hataka (compared with 10 samples)
        DE00: 1.42 - #4F5048 - HTK-A017 | Dark Green (RLM71) | GU 10.5 (L*=33.64, a=-1.37, b=4.85)
    Matches in: Army Painter Warpaints (compared with 104 samples)
        DE00: 2.87 - #4F4F3F - WP1414 | Cultist Robe | GU 1.3 (L*=32.84, a=-1.91, b=9.53)


34064 does differ from other x4064.

Edited by Casey
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Indeed I'm using epaints as that's all I can do here having no equipment or software other than a laptop and iphone. Thanks for the confirmation and thanks again for all your threads so useful even if I’m doing it wrong, I will be picking up the revell aqua for -4064, though begs the question what I should put humbrol dropper 163 down as 

Edited by PhantomBigStu
1 hour ago, PhantomBigStu said:

Indeed I'm using epaints as that's all I can do here having no equipment or software other than a laptop and iphone. Thanks for the confirmation and thanks again for all your threads so useful even if I’m doing it wrong, I will be picking up the revell aqua for -4064, though begs the question what I should put humbrol dropper 163 down as 

It is not a really bad mach for x4064, but there are better ones.


Here are the rest:


Target: DB0163 | No 163 | Dark Green - Satin | GU 21.8, RGB: #555650 (L*=36.12, a=-0.94, b=2.82)
    Matches in: British Standard Colours (compared with 237 samples)
        DE00: 2.83 - #59554D - BS337 Very Dark Drab (L*=36.06, a=0.69, b=4.61)
    Matches in: RAL K5 Classic (compared with 215 samples)
        DE00: 1.76 - #565552 - RAL 7022 | Umbragrau | Umbra grey (L*=36.09, a=0.01, b=1.57)
    Matches in: RLM - Merrick and Kiroff - Vol 1 Card 2 (compared with 20 samples)
        DE00: 1.05 - #53534D - 71 dunkelgrün | GU 9.3 (L*=34.95, a=-0.77, b=3.19)
    Matches in: RLM - Merrick and Kiroff - Vol 1 Card 3 (compared with 20 samples)
        DE00: 1.31 - #52534C - 71 dunkelgrün | GU 6.5 (L*=34.90, a=-1.00, b=3.78)
    Matches in: RLM - Merrick and Kiroff - Vol 2 Card 1 (compared with 24 samples)
        DE00: 1.10 - #52534D - RKM 71 dunkelgrün | GU 5.4 (L*=34.84, a=-0.87, b=3.13)
    Matches in: RLM - Merrick and Kiroff - Vol 2 Card 2 (compared with 22 samples)
        DE00: 2.14 - #54554C - RAL 6006 - 840 R (feldgrau) | GU 7.1 (L*=35.59, a=-1.29, b=5.26)
    Matches in: Official Luftwaffe Color Chart - Eagle Editions Ltd (compared with 30 samples)
        DE00: 1.13 - #55574F - 71 Dunkelgrün | GU 8.8 (L*=36.42, a=-1.34, b=3.96)
    Matches in: Official United States Aircraft Colors 1908 - 1993 - US Navy and Marine Corps Aircraft Colors 1960 - 1993 (compared with 45 samples)
        DE00: 2.59 - #515048 - 34064 | GU 3.5 (L*=33.84, a=-0.96, b=4.91)


You can see that Official United States Aircraft Colors 1908 - 1993 - US Navy and Marine Corps Aircraft Colors 1960 - 1993 has a copy of 34064 which is slightly different than the one I have in AMS 595A, but it is normal difference - FS standards evolved in time and the older are a bit different.

  • Like 1
On 12/07/2023 at 11:31, PhantomBigStu said:

what actual shade of blue was MAP Deep Sky? I've had down as 2 quite different blues, painting a spitfire in one of them and ran out of paint (and a dealer sent me the wrong replacement)  I've had down as 2 quite different blues, painting a spitfire in one of them and ran out of paint (and a dealer sent me the wrong replacement)  

So was it a dark shade like Vallejo 899/Humbrol 15, or a more medium shade like Vallejo 965 or something different altogether? 

Seems i missed this.

MAP Deep Sky is mid blue with subtle green, as opposed to purple. 

Nothing like H15 or 899, which are dark.

not sure about 965.  Don't know if I have it off hand

There is an Army Painter blue that @Casey  measured as being very close. 

Target: WP1116 | Deep Blue | GU 4.3
    DE00: 1.35 - British Aviation Colours of World War Two - Blue - RAF15 - Deep Sky | GU 4.8


3 hours ago, PhantomBigStu said:

I'm using epaints as that's all I can do here having no equipment or software other than a laptop and iphone

In suggest getting some paint chips.

Epaint do RAL-K7 deck 

its on offer


the K-1 is even cheaper but smaller



This colour-fan contains representations of all the colours from BS 4800, BS 5252, BS2660, BS381C and other British Standard colours. 475+ colours, five to a leaf and 145mm by 55mm in size.

[Note: every effort is made to match the BS colours as closely as possibl


I presume this is not an actual BS fan, ah, The "Full British Standard colour fan" is available exclusively from e-paint.co.uk to represent the British Standard colour range. Whilst every effort is made to match the BS colours as closely as possible, it is not certified by the British Standards Institute.]

But I suspect that's back covering....  anyway,  since you ask on here about colours, and matches, but quote sites and RGB etc, if you really are interested then one of these is the cost of 6 or 12 pots of paint respectively, or a couple of kits,  and then you have something tangible to match against.



  • Like 1
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Posted (edited)

Late to the party and indeed I went with AP deep blue on my build, looks the part 



One day I might get a fan deck though I am now just happy with a close enough match like the one for -24064 Casey just gave me or I've gain from my dodgy epaints and MS paint efforts 


Also the humbrol 163 matches are interesting, always used xtracrylix for RLM71 which always looked darker so Ill have to side by side them, also the match for very dark drab, I've actualy used the previous iteration of 163 acrylic for VDD before discovering the real paint on an aircraft comes out much browner than the a chip on a screen.


Also well and trully discovered how useless little blobs of paint on white card are, tried mig ammo's RAL6014 on actual plastic, its nothing like RAL6014 being too green and way too light, its does though look like a decent ANA613 

Edited by PhantomBigStu
  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...
On 2/9/2023 at 9:35 PM, Casey said:

Not much as of omissions as just not matches within 3.0 DE target in my database


I can increase target arbitrary - I could update the chart with, for example 4 or even 5.0 DE target - but I personally think anything above 3 is not the best match. Not to mention you will go into territory that Dark Green suddenly matches Light Green :)


Target: RAF03 - Light Green | GU 2.9, RGB: #646857 (L*=42.92, a=-3.11, b=8.69)

DE00: 3.84 - #5B5D4E - Humbrol - DB0085 | No 86 | Light Olive - Matt | GU 9.2 (L*=38.62, a=-2.76, b=8.37)


Also, please note that there ARE serious differences between Humbrol acrylics and enamels even if they should be the same color - 86 I have as acrylics only. That's why I give the paint ID too with the matches. Then there is case with some Vallejo having batch difference >2.0 between themselves and having same ID...

Are you sure about this? Was comparing my notes and the rgb values you give in the humbrol thread and the rgb for light earth in the revell thread are just one green different? 

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, PhantomBigStu said:

Are you sure about this? Was comparing my notes and the rgb values you give in the humbrol thread and the rgb for light earth in the revell thread are just one green different?


Please do not compare RGB values. They are meaningless without other data.


Here is for example report about Dark Earth and Revel Dark Earth (since they are supposed to be matches done by vendor)




You will notice 2 set of 3 values that differ with Light source/Angle, and because of that they differ in every other parameter.


Colors in tristimulus systems can be compared only when light source and observers are same. Comparing D65/10 with A/10 is pointless.


Now some more explanations:


Light source:

  • D65 is full sun clear sky daylight in open air in western/northern europe.
  • A is a 2685K tungsten artificial light


Angle is a shortcut from light observer.

  • 2 deg is based on human vision experiments result from year 1931
  • 10 deg is based on similar human vision experiments but done in year 1964. This one represents human vision better.


There are many more light sources and observers. Since this changes color values in tristimulus color spaces, you have hundreds of potential different RGB values depending on choosen light source and observer combination.


RGB represents a set of colors within the visible color space, evenly divided based on your RGB resolution. For 24-bit RGB, this results in approximately 16 million color possibilities. However, there's a challenge—human color vision doesn't align perfectly with engineering specifications. The difference in RGB component values of 1 for certain colors can be more significant than the minimum noticeable sensitivity of the human eye. Some natural colors may be forced into neighboring RGB colors, such as those found in the RAF earth range or SCC olives.


Within the 24-bit RGB color space, there are many colors that appear identical to the human eye but have different RGB values. LAB color values address this issue better, as they are not only non-integers but also align with human color vision sensitivity.


To counter these challenges, sRGB creators introduced non-linearity through gamma correction. This correction expands the color space within the more human-sensitive range, a process known as color compression. However, gamma correction for sRGB involves a gamma factor of 2.2, except for very dark colors, which follow a linear path until intersecting with a gamma 2.4 curve. Despite attempts to address these complexities, sRGB is still not ideal for color reproduction.


Moreover, sRGB is rooted in RGB color TV from the 1950s, using a 2-degree observer for color conversion, which has proven to be inaccurate given the later development of the 10-degree observer.


While my spectrophotometer reports use D65/10 for raw data measurements its color simulation uses the same corresponding settings. This means that RGB color simulation swatches and calculated RGB values follow the sRGB color gamma correction curve but with a 10-degree observer, deviating from the original sRGB standard.


In my color matching calculations, I use D65/10 for LAB values and color difference calculations. Still, I report correct sRGB (D65/2) values to ensure that the color swatches are suitable for display on an sRGB monitor. It's important to note that comparing these values with spectrophotometer D65/10 RGB values is akin to comparing apples to oranges.


Returning to the example mentioned earlier, the paint matches well under A/10 light conditions (with a 1.55 DE). However, its performance degrades under other light conditions, indicating that it's specifically tailored as a metameric match for Dark Earth, designed for viewing under artificial light.


The real comparison of this color that you really should be comparing is:




Only using spectrophotometer you can see how different are those colors. Blue curve is the real RAF Earth, red curve is Revell match.


Interestingly, DB0029 (Humbrol) is also a metameric match but aimed towards D65/10 light conditions. Red curve is DB0029




There is also a bit more information about color difference in publication there - https://www.datacolor.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/color-management-ebook-4-en.pdf

Edited by Casey
Hopefully clarified it a bit... hopefully.
  • Like 2
  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)

Message finally sunk in, rgb is useless, I shall stop using it as anything other than a crude guide as to what might look ok on a model. Wasn't even after a match was just curios to see how close the humbrol of was to the revell africa brown and noticed just how close it to my eye to the  patch for light earth next to it was to the real paint in front of me and checked the rgb's I've saved in ms paint to see they were virtually identical 

Edited by PhantomBigStu
  • 1 month later...

Almost a year before I naively started this thread and took and extra interest in paint, became the bane of my life, after a much time and stress haven't really changed my raf paint choices, now consisted of a mix of xtracrylix and humbrol with a couple of AK and Revells thrown in there, howeve with a XA having some fairly long term stock issues (or worse) I will soon have to make replacements, got enough XA RAF Dark Green to last a while but don't know what Ill do when that runs out. I do have a question that sort of touched on before, Extra Dark Sea Grey, my expectations is its slightly blue grey based on colour photos and using XA which does have the noticeable blue hint, where as the chips seem to be less obviously blue, ask as its on of the XA effected by the supply issues and I'm almost out and wondering whether to just use the humbrol 123 I have or get mission models one which has the blue hint? 

6 minutes ago, PhantomBigStu said:

got enough XA RAF Dark Green to last a while but don't know what Ill do when that runs out.

If you are definitely set on acrylics, then my go-to for RAF Dark Green is Revell Aqua 68. It brushes really nicely with the hairy stick, but I’ve never tried thinning for airbrushing.

  • Like 1
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7 minutes ago, Heather Kay said:

If you are definitely set on acrylics, then my go-to for RAF Dark Green is Revell Aqua 68. It brushes really nicely with the hairy stick, but I’ve never tried thinning for airbrushing.

That's good idea, tried it once and found it too light which it it is but for the post war shade, its actually is ideal for the MAP Dark Green so I shall try and get some, gives me an excuse to make a trip to my local today to see if they have any left. 

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Got this set, thought it fair to report my findings, hard to judge as I’m comparing paint to digital samples but it’s a mixed bag.

1. RAF Dark Green isn’t far off from MAP green though it’s not ok for BS241, close enough to try on my next build.  

2. RAF Dark Earth, this one I can compare to paint as humbrol 29 is pretty close to MAP dark earth,  I find it a lighter and redder based of the chip/h29 and indeed the famous colour pic of a spit on the ground 

3. RAF Sky looks spot on, the closest I’ve found so far so that’s something

4. RAF “Night”, actually ijn blue black, wrong, way too blue. 




Edited by PhantomBigStu

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