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The easy way for spraying insignia with masks.

I use actually Montex and New Ware masks.

With the information from Tom from New Ware, I started my todays work with a transfer foil.

What makes it different to my former procedure?


The result is much more accurate, than any other method I used before!


  1.   The mask with the outline of the insignia can not be distorted after application at the model. All the masks of the insignia itself are left at the basic sheet, at home. In the past time I often had a Balkenkreuz with an awry cross-piece, a roundel with was an ellipse, and so on! This is past!
  2.   How to achieve this? Use a transparent foil with medium adhesive. Take a sheet of the foil and cut it 0,5 mm smaller each the maximum outline of the insignia.
  3.   Put it on the masking foil.
  4.   Take it oft with caution and slowly. The inner mask of the insignia will stay home and stick. If they come with you, so the adhesive of the foil is too strong. Change the foil, or put it on your hand several             times  to  reduce the adhesive before applying it once more.
  5.    If this is done place this mask & foil on your model in position.
  6.    Positioning with the transparent foil is much easier, as before and you can make several tries without destorting the mask.
  7.    In case of a German Balkenkreuz spray white.
  8.   After that, when paint is dry, the next step is to take the inner masks all at once into position on the model. Here I use now Tamiya model band. Cut it in strips, again each side minus 0,5 mm. Two strips are      required for a Balkenkreuz.
  9.   Place it into position, in the white area.
  10.   If it is in place, take a tweezers and loose the ends from mask, pull the band in a U-turn with a small radius back. The mask will not follow, because it is to stiff and cannot follow. Slowly and the Tamiya band    is off.
  11.  Than take off the masks of the black area and spray black.
  12. . The same you can do with code letters and so on.




Aplication of transparent adhesive carrier foil on the masking foil!
















Hope it helps.


Happy modelling


Edited by dov
Better pictures
  • Like 1

Using a clear low-adhesion foil to put masks in place is one thing commonly done in the professional use of such items and there are specific films made for the purpose.

It's weird as this seems to not be mentioned often in the modelling community, where it would be even more useful considering the small size of some of our masks.

Hopefully your post will bring more people to use the specific carrier foils when applying masks

  • Like 1

Just to explain what happens is:


This transfer foil stiffens the area with the cut out.

So distortion gets less.

The stiffness of the transfer foil must be bigger than the mask foil.

In case you use kabuki tape it is for sure so.

If you use Montex masks, I used first the same transfer foil as for kabuki tape masks.

It worked fine. As you see on the pictures.

To improve the quality, afterward I bought three sorts of foil.

After trying it, I had to sort out one type of foil.

The others are all superb.

The only producer who works like that, is New Ware.


Happy modelling



Using a transfer foil not only avoids distortion, it is also very useful whenever a mask is made of more than one part as all parts will retain their relative position during the application.

  • Like 2
37 minutes ago, dov said:

"The only producer who works like that, is New Ware."

I'm not sure what you mean by this, BAM Models provides the transfer sheet for their F-15I tail mask, and it's even already applied on the YF-23 trough tiles masks ;)


  • Like 1

@arnobiz, here is the link, to understand New Ware masks:




You can read the instruction, second line!


In oppositie the Montex mask:




Here are all masks in each in one square.

With the transport foil I can separate the masks according to steps without changing their relative position.

And position them exactly.


The second step, the transport of the inner masks is done with Tamiya tape.

Like this: Here already in the new position.




That is the issue on the example of a German Balkenkreuz.


happy modelling




Thanks for the clarification. That's the best way to do it indeed, and the eagle masks work the same way ;)

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