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FAA builds, 32nd Hawker Nimrod re started, Firefly AS Mk.6, 32nd Malta Sea Gladiator now finished.

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6 hours ago, Johnson said:

Can't add to what's been said Chris, but looks great!



Thanks Rob, I've struggled to get a hard edge without a ridge.



Thanks Charlie, with the brushwork I mask for the first coat and then take themask away and then paint up to the line , that way the ridge is minimal.


4 hours ago, keefr22 said:


All I can say is - don't hold your breath....!! :) 


Seriosly hope it'll be in the next couple of weeks, but hoping to get to Telford again this year so working on trying to finish a couple of things for that and also a couple for the next club comp..





No worries Keith , hope you have a great time in Telford, I  can wait to see the Seafire.  Still got plenty of Seafires in the stash yet. 


4 hours ago, Zephyr91 said:

Just a quick response (apologies Chris for hijack) - maybe I was just lucky Charlie.  I've just gone and checked on the models and don't seem to have suffered that outcome, but as I said, probably just lucky..


I also took on board a tip or 2 from the Sovreign Models/Colourcoats "How to do it" videos including reducing the airbrush pressure.  I think I'd been doing what was referred to as "power hosing" the colour on.  :giggle:





No worries Rob.


Thanks guys



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Superb work - this really is going to be a beauty! You may just have convinced me to start a BPF build...







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1 hour ago, Fritag said:

I’ll just pipe up and add my own wow; being another one of the band of admirers of your painting skills (and patience), Chris. 

Thanks Steve, very kind .pleased with it so far.


1 hour ago, Dunny said:



Superb work - this really is going to be a beauty! You may just have convinced me to start a BPF build...







Thanks Roger, very kind too, ooooooo yeah, go on fella. 


Thanks guys


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38 minutes ago, 2996 Victor said:

Looking marvellous, Chris, absolutely stunning! You're almost done, I'd say!



Thanks Mark, pleased with this one now .  Can't wait to get it sealed, oh and better add a dot filter before it gets a wash.  Hopefully not too far to go now.



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4 hours ago, Johnson said:

Looks very good Chris. The weathering will bring it to life.

Thanks Charlie weathering will be starting later, can't wait to get going on that.


4 hours ago, AliGauld said:

Nicely done Chris,

Looks fantastic now and the oil work will just bring it to life.




Thanks Alistair,  will start with a dot filter session tonight hopefully.


3 hours ago, Dunny said:



That looks quite lovely - will look lovely with a wash...





Thanks Roger , just love the scheme and weathering is great fun, looking forward to this.


Thanks guys


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2 hours ago, mark.au said:

Glad I didn’t miss too much of this one.  The decals look fine to me, what was the issue with the wing roundels?

Thanks Mark, the Piper has taken a lot of my time up so the poor old Seafire has taken a back seat 🙄. The roundels creased a bit around the lumps and bumps, despite slitting the decals and some bits were cut away and painted over.  Once the weathering is done will see what they look like as it's all very glossy at the mo.


2 hours ago, AdrianMF said:

Looks great! They certainly liked a big wing roundel.




Thanks Adrian,  crikey yes, they are huge.

I fo like the BPF schemes , yhe meet one is having the roundels with bars.


Thanks guys



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2 hours ago, opus999 said:

Chris, that Seafire is terrific!  I recently stumbled on this thread and just now noticed there are 93 pages!  I'm not sure how long it will take to get through them 

It's a fantastic thread, so much to enjoy and be inspired by. I've bookmarked points where specific builds start, ones I know I'll be referring to!




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4 hours ago, opus999 said:

Chris, that Seafire is terrific!  I recently stumbled on this thread and just now noticed there are 93 pages!  I'm not sure how long it will take to get through them all...

Hi Opus999,  thank you so much, very kind.  Yes it's gotten to be a bit of a beast.  I was thinking of ending it, but was asked not to so have continued,  it may help someone too which will be a lovely thought.  Don't feel you have to read the whole thing😄


2 hours ago, 2996 Victor said:

It's a fantastic thread, so much to enjoy and be inspired by. I've bookmarked points where specific builds start, ones I know I'll be referring to!




Thanks Mark, tgat is really kind, if it helps you with anything then I am really happy about that.


Thanks guys for the generous comments


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Hi all

The oil wash was attempted on the Seafire and worked mostly although some came out whilst wiping off the excess.   So I have gone over the affected panel lines with the Olfa P cutterto deepen them and will repeat the wash 🙄






Fingers crossed it works this time.


Thanks for looking in


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18 hours ago, AliGauld said:

Looking good, Chris,

The wash will no doubt be grand in the rescribed lines.





Thanks Alistair,  I am pleased to say it worked well and gun patches on on the wing leading edges now, will be matt coating and sorting final assembly/weathering next.


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