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Bristol Blenheim Mk. IV, 89 Sqd., DK Decals.

I have decided to make this very catchy a/c, with a nice shark mouth.

So as always made some research for this build, found some nice photos of the  a/c online.

Then pulled the 89 sqd. records from The National Archives, to check if this Beaufighter equiped unit have had used a Blenheim.

And found this. First entry is:

14.12.42, Z7709, W/Cdr. J.A.Leathart. D.S.O. 1600 - 1630 air test

This must have been a test flight by the W/Cdr himself alone to accept the plane.

there are recorded flight on the 15/12, 16/12, 17/12, 8/2/43, 22/2, 

12.3.43, Z7709, F/O Harding, 2 passengers 1410 - Tripoli

This is the last recorded flight. Have checked 3 mdr. further but no entries, so must have been turned over to another unit at Tripoli.

F/O Harding must have returned straight away as he is flying Beaufighter V. 8374 on 13/3 1420 - 1510.

So the info that photos show a Blenheim attached to 89. sqd. as a hack is correct, only the serial no. is wrong Z9585 is a Bleinheim, but not the one at 89. sqd.

And i think that the Midstone/Dark Earth/Black is ok, as far as i can see.

So would appreciate if any one had comments to this before i start the build.


shark-blenheim Udklip




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