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A Blue Blazer **COMPLETED**

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Hi folks,


Thought I'd best get my contribution to this GB set up in readiness for making a start at the weekend when the firing pistol goes.


My kit of choice from the stash (mainly because it's the only Scooter I have), is the 1/72 Airfix A-4B offering.  However, as you can see from the obligatory box art shot - mine also has a friend in the form of a MiG-17 to keep them company:




I bought this set after spotting it in the Chester Model Centre (back in the good old days before Covid-19 and you could still visit places). :daydream:  I had been wanting the new MiG-17 after it was released and also had the Skyhawk on my very long Wishlist so this was a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone.


So here's the sprue shots to whet the appetite further:










This will be a pretty much OOB build for me - however, just to really add detail and interest into the cockpit I decided to get this:






It's the lovely little resin seat from QuickBoost with plenty of detail which is perfect when you can see straight through the cockpit glazing so hopefully the detail won't go to waste.


In readiness for the build, I also purchased these two items:




I really enjoyed using the AK Real colours on my Airfix Wellington build (which is almost finished - hopefully update my WIP soon), so thought I'd continue down that vein with these paints for the Skyhawk.  We'll see how I get on.


So I think that's it - looking forward to getting cracking with the build at the weekend which will keep me busy alongside my StuG III in the Panzer III STGB which is progressing nicely.


So good luck to all with your builds and look forward to seeing how everyone gets on - especially when I can see there's quite a few of us building this kit :thumbsup:


Best wishes



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Welcome to the GB Kris with what is indeed proving to be a very popular kit, and I can see why.

The resin seat you have bought looks excellent.

I don't think anyone else is building the scheme that you are and it is a nice one too.

Looking forward to seeing what you do with this one.

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1 hour ago, modelling minion said:

I don't think anyone else is building the scheme that you are and it is a nice one too.

Thanks MM. Yeah it looks like you're right - plenty of people are building the Airfix Skyhawk but so far no-one else seems to be doing this scheme so at least it will add to the variety. The resin seat is really nice - I just hope I do it justice in the painting :D


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Happy Thursday folks,


Hope everyone's well and enjoying their Skyhawk builds - looks like there should be some nice builds by the end of the GB - looking forward to it.


So, having started my build at the weekend, in between work on my StuG for the Panzer III GB, I thought I'd better get an update sorted to show you where I am.  So here's a pic of what I've done so far:




As you can see - I've been busy gluing plastic to plastic in the form of the wings, bomb and drop tanks, intakes and of course the cockpit.  So far so good and haven't really encountered any problems.  The only real issue I've found is that on this particular Airfix kit, the sprue gates are really thick and heavy and you've got to be very careful separating the parts from the sprue.  This is the first of their more modern toolings I've found this to be a problem on - but at least it can be overcome.


I've glued the parts together but still have some clean up to do on the bomb and drop tanks.  I got the cockpit all painted up with the inclusion of the Quickboost seat, gave it all a wash and added the decals for the side consoles and instrument panel. The fuselage halves are now ready to be buttoned up and then I can continue with painting etc.


Here's a few shots of the cockpit:








If you look really hard 🔍 - I think you can just about make out the Firing Handle above the headrest which I scratched up from some wire just to add an extra little detail (my attempt at the black and yellow stripes isn't showing up too well in the pics) :doh:


So that's about it for now.  I do need to think about nose weight before I close up the fuselage halves.  Airfix recommend 5g but I always try to add in as much as possible (space permitting) just to be doubly sure you don't end up with a tail sitter!!!


Hopefully have another update at the weekend once I've done some painting of the intake parts and wheel wells etc.  If possible I'd like to have her ready for painting by the end of the week.


So stay safe and well and enjoy as much bench time as possible :thumbsup:



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Thanks very much Craig - much appreciated. Glad you managed to spot the grab handle - hope it didn't give you eye strain :D

I've been working on the nose weight this evening since my post and I've got 7g in there so far. Think that should be enough but if I find I can squeeze any more in then I probably will and then it will be a case of hoping it's enough :fingerscrossed:


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Hi Kris,


great show so far. This Airfix A-4 is highly enjoyable to build: a lot of fun in store for you!

I particularly like the ejection seat. It really add a dimension of reality.


Looking forward to the follow up.



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Thanks JR - much appreciated and your right - it's a great little kit and really enjoying it so far. Glad you like the resin seat - just thought it would add to the detail as the seat is visible through the canopy and is basically all you can see :D


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3 hours ago, planecrazee said:

Thanks JR - much appreciated and your right - it's a great little kit and really enjoying it so far. Glad you like the resin seat - just thought it would add to the detail as the seat is visible through the canopy and is basically all you can see :D


With the lid shut there really isn't a great deal visible in a Skyhawk's cockpit in any scale so doing a good job on the seat (as you have) is really all you need to do.

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You're absolutely right Craig and thanks for your comments :thumbsup:


I have just stumbled upon a problem though as a result of the Quickboost seat - the canopy doesn't fit!! :doh:

I was planning to have a closed canopy but not anymore - now the only option I've got is to have it open - never mind - could be worse. The resin seat is definitely a lot taller than the kit seat and I thought I'd already resolved any potential issue by taking away some material from the bottom of the seat but alas - no! Hey ho - that's a big part of what modelling's all about I suppose - overcoming the challenges :wacko:


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Hi Kris,


we all get caught one day or the other... Dry fitting is usually a kill joy, and when the going is really good, we often choose to give it a wide berth...

I, for one, cannot cast the first stone. 

Look at the bright side: with the canopy open, all the hard paint job on the seat becomes visible! Happy days.



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You're right JR - the annoying thing is that as a rule I always dry fit parts as I go along but with the canopy not going on the model at that point - it never crossed my mind it wouldn't fit. Still - you live and learn :D

It was obviously meant to be that with buying the resin seat - the canopy would have to be open to show it off - or at least that's the excuse I can use :whistle:


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I have the Quickboost seat for this kit too and I had my doubts it would fit as you say it’s visibly larger than the kit seat.  Looks like it’s an open canopy for me too.


Cheers Allan

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Hi Allan, 

Yeah I imagine you'll be in the same boat - unless you can work some magic on it. It's a lovely seat but it definitely isn't the right size to fit the cockpit if you want a closed canopy. Wish you good luck in your endeavours Allan - I'll be keeping an eye on your build :thumbsup:


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Hiya folks,


Hope everyone is well :thumbsup: 


Just thought I'd post a quick update of where I'm up to at the moment with the Skyhawk.


I've managed to get everything finished with regards to the cockpit and fuselage and have got everything joined together.  I think I've ended up overdoing it with the nose weight but at least it should guarantee she won't be tail sitter!! :fingerscrossed:


With everything now glued together, I've sorted out the seam lines and a minor bit of filling here and there.  Next step will be to get a primer coat on so I can double check the seams and see if any more gap filling etc is required and then it will be on to a pre-shade and then paint.  Here's some pics of where I am with the fuselage at the minute:














I've also made a start of getting some paint on the undercarriage gear and doors as well as the wheels:




So just a short update for now folks.  I should be able to get some painting done at the weekend and then that will move us forward a fair bit.  There aren't that many parts to the kit to be fair and it has gone together quickly so even for me I'm hoping this should be a fairly quick build.


Hope to have more for you at the weekend :D


See you then :bye:



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Thanks for that Craig - really appreciate your feedback :thumbsup:


Yes, as mentioned earlier on in my thread, I'm a big believer of 'more is more' when it comes to nose weight.  I'd rather a model was a tonne weight than have gone to all that effort and it be a tail sitter!



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Hi Kris,


I have been away for days and I realize you have almost finished your A-4!!! Well done!

Just a couple of points you can correct easily, in order to make your Skyhawk more accurate (that is if you want to):

- Fill in the panel on the front right of the nose (access to avionics: a similar panel is on the port side. This one is to stay)

- Drill a 0.5 mm hole in the center of the nose (cooling vent for the same avionics)

- Remove the raised panel on the right side, by the air vent. These have nothing to do on the skin of an A-4.

The rest can damn well stay as it is! It is a beautiful kit!!!


Have fun!



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Hey JR,

Hope you're well - good to hear from you :bye:

Thanks for your comments and advice - I'm always willing to learn from those in the know and always try to incorporate any corrections or changes I can to make a model more accurate.

With regards to your points:

  • Fill in the panel on the front right of the nose (access to avionics: a similar panel is on the port side. This one is to stay) - No problem - I can sort that
  • Drill a 0.5 mm hole in the centre of the nose (cooling vent for the same avionics)- do you mean in the very centre of the nose or elsewhere?  If you can show me with a pic I would be very grateful - just want to make sure I get it right
  • Remove the raised panel on the right side, by the air vent. These have nothing to do on the skin of an A-4 - again if you have a pic to show what you mean I would be very grateful - again just want to make sure I do the right thing

Thanks JR - really appreciate this :thumbsup:

Best wishes


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