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Yesteryear: I seem to be spending more time there than in the real world these days. Saturday night's swirling mist of Tetley's Best Bitter fumes revealed a vision, that takes me back again, maybe never to return!
Neil Thomas is a ruleriter who I believe was cloned from the DNA of Donald Featherstone and Charles Grant so his 'One Hour Wargames' rules are nailed on, for mi' next braynwave.
Using the OHW book's unit stats, two units will be created, one British the other German. The units will all be Airfix models from the dawn of time, painted as we did in the sixties...


One Infantry Company (British Infantry Combat Group)

Two anti-tank guns (6pdr. and carrier)

One Artillery Battery of two guns (25pdr. and Quad)

Tank Troop (Churchill and Sherman)


One Infantry Company (*)

Two anti-tank guns (Stug 111 and SDKFz.234)

One Artillery Battery of two guns (88mm Gun and Tractor)

Tank Troop (Tiger and Panther)

(*) Them vintage Airfix Germans with the drainpipe bazooka thingy and that little anti-tank cannon?

That should make a nice collection of the crapest looking figures and vehicles still in existence. When they're done we'll fight all the OHW scenarios in order (there's twenty odd, I think?) and find out who really did win WW2 in yesteryear!




The project takes it's first childlike steps... 

the last time I built this kit was the year England won the World Cup!




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