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From Russia With Love. MI-24A HIND. 1/72 by Zvezda WIP

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That's the right way My Dear John !!

Sipping one of these while I'm modelling, tasting it all the evening !!:innocent:

By the way, can't wait to see the hind's camo !!!

I'll try again the blue tack masking...

Have a great modelling Week End !!





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Good evening.

I managed to get some time today on the Hind.

The masking got completed.


A real pain when I only had two photos to go from. I masked half and found out I’d done it all backwards. 😫 so back to square one. Eventually it all got done, but the right way around.


I did a few light passes of the darker green/ grey.


Tough too see exactly what you’re doing when it’s all one colour bud as the masking comes off you can really see the contrast.


I really love peeling all this masking off. It’sa bit like unwrapping a gift. 😃


I’m really quite pleased with how it turned out.

And the juxtapose of the blue with the camo is just what I was after.


And the right way up.


That got left to dry a bit while I did some of the other bits and bobs.

There are some extra P.E pieces that are to go on the weapons. 


I’d decided to not bother with the fins on the rockets as the kit pieces in my opinion look better as they are. I did decide to have a go at the rocket pod one but trying to get them bent into shape was impossible and the disks were just too large to fit in place.


So I made the executive decision to sack them off. The kit pods will be fine. I used sprew goo to fix the inner seem and everything but forgot to take a pic so you’ll have to wait till next time.

I’d liked to have painted the rotors before gluing but as the connecting point is a half part I had to glue them now.


The oh so tiny linkages got glued on too.


I don’t think I’ll bother with the wires it looks just fine as is.


And primed.


I glued on this little bit I found I’d painted.


while that all dried we walked hound. The sky was lovely today over the field.


oh and before I forget we popped to our local airfield “Halfpenny green” and look what I saw!

51936762748_ea23b5d2ef_b.jpg 51935705502_d555c52c85_b.jpg

Looking a little tired but what a beauty. 🥰

Any hoo. Back from the walk I got a protective top coat on the old girl.


Now that needs to dry too. 
hopefully more during the week but work is busy so we shall have to see.

 Hope you all had a great weekend.

 Take care and as always.

 Happy modelling.

 Johnny. 🐊

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Splendiferous camo Johnny !!

I really like it, We also have deep blue sky for a week, it was pleasant.

I hope that they are going to refurbish the Jet provost, she deserve it !!

Have a great week !!

Really busy here too, I don't know what's happening, peoples seem to have forgotten that thing named common sense....

Or maybe did I grow old the wrong way....:clif:😤

Your Hind will be a gem too, Can't wait to see Hind's family pics



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12 hours ago, The Spadgent said:

I’m really quite pleased with how it turned out.

Me too Johnny, looks excellent! 👏 I really like how you’ve matched the colours, can you tell me what the numbers they were?


Mine received some PE antennas and other small bits, now it’s time for masking and I hope I’ll post some pictures soon.


Great progress so far! 👍

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- Yes Jered it works, I use a candle lighter, when the color of the part changes it's enough, just let it cold. a few second, it is far easier to bend or wrap even around a moderate curve...

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22 hours ago, corsaircorp said:

Splendiferous camo Johnny !!

I really like it, We also have deep blue sky for a week, it was pleasant.

I hope that they are going to refurbish the Jet provost, she deserve it !!

Have a great week !!

Really busy here too, I don't know what's happening, peoples seem to have forgotten that thing named common sense....

Or maybe did I grow old the wrong way....:clif:😤

Your Hind will be a gem too, Can't wait to see Hind's family pics



Thanks Alain. I’m really pleased with the camo. Decals next. 🤩 The provost really could do with some TLC for sure.

18 hours ago, Nikolay Polyakov said:

Me too Johnny, looks excellent! 👏 I really like how you’ve matched the colours, can you tell me what the numbers they were?


Mine received some PE antennas and other small bits, now it’s time for masking and I hope I’ll post some pictures soon.


Great progress so far! 👍

Hey. Looking forward to more from your build. The colours are. Tamiya as always. 
XF-76 and XF-65 light and dark. The belly is a mix of X-14 and XF-23 1:1 😇

17 hours ago, Jered said:

Paint job looks sensational.

I've found with bending PE, detempering it with a small butane torch makes it much more pliable 

Thanks and thanks for the tips. I think it’s a case that the bits just don’t fit? Maybe I’ll give them another go.

16 hours ago, IPMS19 said:

- Yes Jered it works, I use a candle lighter, when the color of the part changes it's enough, just let it cold. a few second, it is far easier to bend or wrap even around a moderate curve...

Mmm ok maybe I’ll try. Thanks. 🙌

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14 hours ago, The Spadgent said:

Hey. Looking forward to more from your build. The colours are. Tamiya as always. 
XF-76 and XF-65 light and dark. The belly is a mix of X-14 and XF-23 1:1 😇

Thank you Johnny! 🤝 Also I want to try some post shading... I hope it’ll be a great experience.

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8 minutes ago, Nikolay Polyakov said:

Thank you Johnny! 🤝 Also I want to try some post shading... I hope it’ll be a great experience.

Post shading is a winner. I decided not to do it on this occasion as I did quite a bit of pre shading. I’ll keep an eye out on your build dear boy. 🙌

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On 16/03/2022 at 18:18, Spookytooth said:

Very nice build Johnny , I just found this thread and caught up on her.


Keep up the good work mate.



Thanks Simon. Glad you like the build. Follow along if the mood takes you. 🤩

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Heavens it’s late but I need to get this updated in. Work has been ongoing over the last few days but just little bits here and there.

Decals have been added.


There aren’t lots of them really but I do really like this belly star.


The last few got added to the pylons, then done. Apart from the rotors and weapons.


Talking of rotors I had to add the wiring didn’t I . 🤨


and tucked away nicely.


All the little PE handles and such got bent into shape and will be added at the bitter end. (Ish)


I’m going to use kit parts For the nose probe things as the PE one look too flat to me.


The tail fins got added so yay!!


Can you see the error?


For some reason I have no idea how the rocket pod things got glued on in the wrong position. They had a little flat bit so you couldn’t get it wrong too??? Maybe they were molded incorrectly. 😔

I was going to leave it but my inner @perdu came out so.


And after a bit of careful surgery we have our ducks in line.



Well there we are. Some progress, not lots but some. There is a lot ready for paint so I think this is going to move rather quickly in the next few steps.

Thanks for following along. Any comments welcome.


Happy modelling chums.



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35 minutes ago, The Spadgent said:

Talking of rotors I had to add the wiring didn’t I . 🤨


Just as well Johnny. We would have had to mark you down for that if you didn't. 


Why are they dropping Nacho's from the back end? Enquiring minds wish to know. 








oh, almost forgot.   Nice update, and nice ducks


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5 hours ago, hendie said:


Just as well Johnny. We would have had to mark you down for that if you didn't. 


Why are they dropping Nacho's from the back end? Enquiring minds wish to know. 








oh, almost forgot.   Nice update, and nice ducks



5 hours ago, Learstang said:

Good one. I never noticed that before. And me being a Texas boy. Why I've had more nachos than you've had hot lunches, sonny!





Oh you guys!  Everyone knows the FBCDU “ Five Bean Chilly Delivery Units “ I have just corrected would be pointless with out the rear tail NEC. “ Nacho Ejection Chute “ 

This teamed with the Notorious “SR” The Sriracha Rockets makes for a formidable lunch time.  

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17 hours ago, The Spadgent said:

Decals have been added.

Looks great! 👏 These decals are pleasure to work with, isn’t it?

17 hours ago, The Spadgent said:

I’m going to use kit parts For the nose probe things as the PE one look too flat to me.

Same here... These plastic parts have a great fit - no need to worry about their positioning.


17 hours ago, The Spadgent said:

Well there we are. Some progress, not lots but some. There is a lot ready for paint so I think this is going to move rather quickly in the next few steps.

Excellent progress, Johnny! 👍 Now I need to move to my thread for some update...


Keep up the good work! 😉

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On 21/03/2022 at 17:25, Nikolay Polyakov said:

Looks great! 👏 These decals are pleasure to work with, isn’t it?

Same here... These plastic parts have a great fit - no need to worry about their positioning.


Excellent progress, Johnny! 👍 Now I need to move to my thread for some update...


Keep up the good work! 😉

Thanks Nikolay. Great that our two builds are up and running again. 😇🤩

On 21/03/2022 at 21:14, Spookytooth said:

Nice save on the rocket pods Jont.


All looking god from here sir,



Thanks Simon. 

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Good evening.

No fencing tonight, my son is doing his exams and frankly we are both pooped.

 Some light bench time is in order to wind my brain down from a cRaZy work week.

Paint is on the cards. 😃

A pre shade of the bits and bobs.


Along with the larger items.


Then some colour.

the PE rails.


And the tiny foot holds and probes.


Still not sure if I’ll put this on before a wash. 🤔 maybe I should. 
Anyway all the little bits got some Colour including the strangely green wheels. ( tyres pending )


I painted the rotors a nice blue/grey but didn’t take pics. 🙄

Then got down to some very therapeutic masking.


And tail.


A mix of deck tan and white was used for the leading edges. I used my reference to get colour choices.

Then blam!!! 


and psssst!!!


All over in a flash. 💥

The rocket pods are silver. 


they came out a little too silver but I need to post shade and I’ll take the shine off with a top coat. 🤫

After a small amount of dry time. (This is why I love acrylics ) the masks on the rotors were removed.

The tail first.


Then the main course. 🍱


And top side.


Happy with that.

 I’ll leave it all too cure over night and top coat tomorrow ready for more decals and then weathering. 🤤


 Thanks for popping in. hope you’re all having a splendid week.


 All comments welcome.


 Happy modelling.


 Johnny. 🐊

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16 hours ago, mark.au said:

Looking very nice indeed, all of that work has come out beautifully but the clip directly on the tail rotor…?! 😱

Thanks. My clips are so old. Their teeth are blunt. 🐊😉😇

8 hours ago, Spookytooth said:

Looking very sharp as ever Johnny.

Not far to go now then.



Thank you kind sir.

4 hours ago, hendie said:

The rotor head is looking all the better for the added wire worms Johnny.   I do like the paint effects on the blades too

Thanks. I do like the way they turned out. 🤩

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