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 Good start Bill. Like the approach. Can't beat a bit of Osmosis.


As Bill states Mr Wolf, even though Brum didn't have Routemasters that looks well impressive. And to follow up on Bill's query, what colours did you use?






On 12/8/2020 at 10:49 PM, Ryedale Wolf said:

Funnily enough I built the Revell London bus into this for my mams 80th birthday. Shes a Brummie and its meant to represent the bus she went to work on in the 1950s. And yes I know about the typo 🙄😥





On 12/8/2020 at 5:44 PM, bootneck said:

I spent much of my youff up there watching the regeneration being done c1957-1960.  I was sorry to see the old market go, the one with the large Roman style pillars out front, located where the new Bull Ring ramp was built.

I am currently building a model of Elmdon Airport and, as you are talking buses, I have been trying to find plans of the one on the right in this image.



I believe this bus in now in a museum somewhere in the midlands.



 Mike here's the link to the bus profile on their website. Got the specs on there so probably a few leads for you to follow up on.



On 12/9/2020 at 12:35 PM, perdu said:

I have just realised this is the same picture as my first one but in a clean and beautifully uncropped form, thanks Broadway it really does prove it was in New St but at the top not down by the Stephenson St end by the station.

I should have explained myself better.


You probably have seen this one as well, the original is another Francis Frith.





However there is the part coloured version of the bus as well which is higher resolution than the one you posted at at the start here with the option to download a preview.

  • Like 1

I have to add the internal iron works now and I had best do that before I get any higher up with the side works



There will be an angle iron on the front corner, about three scale inches and six thinner straps along the wall/floor junction with a complex and very strong outer piece that would be forged in one piece for the bus body rear where the platform will be added.


We will have that to enjoy later with internal wooden braces and side walls.


For this morning this can be allowed to quietly sit and ponder the ways of Tamiya green top thin adhesive.


And I have to visit the paint shop and look in online shops for some of Mr Preiser's 1900 crew and passengers


Or buy more modern ones and play dressing up, maybe I should get them to my sister.


She really did love dressing up dolly - and I never did.

  • Like 11

This is coming along at speed Bill - great stuff :) 


  • Like 1

Now I have plans to hand roughly it's quite simple to cut one piece out (with corresponding opposite sides) and glue them in.


The real fun runs along with the stairs and running gear.


I might just be mad, she has mentioned the possibility at times over the years.



  • Haha 6
4 hours ago, perdu said:

Now I have plans to hand roughly it's quite simple to cut one piece out (with corresponding opposite sides) and glue them in.

Still, you do that with a lot of grace :) 


In a structural build like this, how long do you allow TeT to set?




In truth G I ought to let it set and wait but I tend to rush headlong until the drawbacks draw me back.   :(

  • Haha 6

Slowing down with the body I think it is time I turned my attention to the running gear


This is in a reasonable place to wait for a while I think.



Yes some of the internal braces (wrought iron braces) are shorter than the others, one which you can see the mark for on the back end (Right side of pic) actually comes round the cabin and climbs the back wall


Since there aint-a-no back wall it can wait too.




The wide plank across the rear underside will be where the rear spring will mount when it is all set.


Now where did I leave that spring drawing?

  • Like 9

I love the internet.


Kind of, with reservations to boot.


I just found the sitting and standing figures I need for at least five quid less than buying from abroad, without extra for postage.


And from the finest little model shop in the world/Birmingham, looks like Christmas is sorted now from my gaffer.

"Ah yes babe I would like 13 sitting and standing figures from Parabellum in Vyse St"

And if that gets laughed out from under the tree I can afford to buy them myself, in pounds.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 8

wow.  Faster than a speeding Jakobshavn Isbræ is our Bill.

I'm looking forward to those springs


and the wheels


and the seats


and the running gear


and all the other bits too



  • Haha 3

I'm so glad this is an old bus and doesn't have automatic doors. I can still jump on while it's moving! (I do miss that!)

Just caught up and my, what a challenge. No more than you can easily handle though Bill and you've already proved that.

Carry on Sir!



  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
20 hours ago, perdu said:

I just found the sitting and standing figures I need for at least five quid less than buying from abroad, without extra for postage.


And from the finest little model shop in the world/Birmingham, looks like Christmas is sorted now from my gaffer.


But it seems their website is out of date and that these Preiser figures have been out of stock for a long time


Oh well the search goes on...


After all I began this not expecting figures to share the ride so I am just back to square one, five or six probably...  we are quite a ways down the road now after all :)

  • Sad 4

A week, page 3 already & fairly galloping along, if this is the pace of continental drift, we in the shakey isles better brace ourselves for some shaking, its more like continental speed wobbles. ;) :D

This is looking really good Bill, maybe not a thing I'd model, neither the inclination, patience or skill, but it is certainly something I'll happily watch being crafted along the way. :) 


  • Like 2

So far Steve this is a combination of panic and fear.


I have been wondering how I was going to make eleven or so leaves follow a pattern more suited to handlebar moustachios than an arc shaped spring as on my Hansom cab.


And last night Uncle Logic jumped onto my shoulders, "Oi pill..., Airfitamyaosima don't put individual leaves into assorted contorted shapes do they? They make springs as a solid doobery, you should"


So I am giving it a go.



The spring eyes are predrilled to give me a datum, now to carve it out of very thick plackycard.

The HendieHandyHolder clamp has a job to do now whilst I file and carve shapes out of the block.




How I lived without it beats me


And this different (to me) method of springing has further candidates.




Apart from showing the sheer scope of the Model Wheelwrights plans this flashwashed image shows the second element of the rear suspension I am working on now, more HendieHandyHolder work to come...

  • Like 12
2 hours ago, perdu said:

The HendieHandyHolder clamp

Alright, alright, what is that, please? It looks useful, dunnit? :D



16 hours ago, perdu said:

One of these


Very useful for holding all manner of things and miracles in action


This listing has ended but others are available

Thanks Bill, but... I don't have an e-bay account and it wouldn't let me see anything if I don't register (and I don't want to). Could you please just tell me the name of the thing? :) Many thanks in advance




Hiya Giorgio the important part reads:

Universal Work Holder 50mm Jaw Capacity Craft Tool Clamp Vice Engraver Peg TE196

abtools_uk (460102)





AB Tools



Package Weight (g)210

8 Removable Pins that modifies to suit any shape work.

Package Width (cm)4

Handle can be removed and head can be locked in a bench vice.

Package Height (cm)3

Functions: Used for repairing and engraving Jewellery.

Package Depth (cm)4

Use: Jewellers, Hobbyists, Beaders and Wire Artist.

Material: Wood (Handle) Aluminium (Vice) Stainless Steel (Pins)



I find it very versatile to grip odd shapes with.


On Amazon: Silverline+380077+Universal+Work-Holding+Clamp+21mm+Jaw+Capacity

This might help you.


  • Thanks 3

Mine has allowed me to begin removing non-leaf spring artefacts from the thick plasticard.




I find I dont use the 'awkward shape' pins on many jobs but the small, ubercontrollable hand vise part is brilliant.




Time to turn it for the outer/inner curve section of the moustachio.


But first this morning trauma.


My first haircut of the Christmas season approaches.


My last one was in mid-summer, will I be too cold?


These questions must be asked...

  • Like 5
  • Haha 2

Bobble, or Santa, hat should solve any heat loss Bill :) 


What's your favourite titfer?

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, perdu said:

Hiya Giorgio the important part reads:

Universal Work Holder 50mm Jaw Capacity Craft Tool Clamp Vice Engraver Peg TE196

abtools_uk (460102)





AB Tools



Package Weight (g)210

8 Removable Pins that modifies to suit any shape work.

Package Width (cm)4

Handle can be removed and head can be locked in a bench vice.

Package Height (cm)3

Functions: Used for repairing and engraving Jewellery.

Package Depth (cm)4

Use: Jewellers, Hobbyists, Beaders and Wire Artist.

Material: Wood (Handle) Aluminium (Vice) Stainless Steel (Pins)



I find it very versatile to grip odd shapes with.


On Amazon: Silverline+380077+Universal+Work-Holding+Clamp+21mm+Jaw+Capacity

This might help you.


Great, thanks Bill! :thumbsup:  Now I need one too! :D 



Edit: in fact, I just ordered it - should be here next Wednesday :D  :D 



  • Like 5
  • Haha 1

Looking good Bill, nice bit of carving. How will you reproduce the individual plates, if at all?

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