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A Horse Ride in the North


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Last summer I bought Academy's 1/72 P-51B during a visit to Canada, and subsequently painted it before realizing I didn't really know what

markings I wanted to put on it. Since then, it sat back in it's box. Over the past few weeks, I've started to go back through unfinished kits so

that I can finally get them done. Using some Swedish roundels that came from a Microscale Texan sheet, I decided to finish the P51B as J-26

#26001, the first Mustang in Swedish service. The aircraft came into Swedish hands after an American pilot landed it there in the spring of 1944.


Swedish P51B


Swedish P51B

The '16' on either side of the fuselage has been added since the photo was taken, courtesy of a Foxbot P-40 Stencil Sheet. The shape isn't exact, but I don't care to spend

anything to get it closer. I went light on the stencils this time as most of the ones in the kit weren't legible. Paint is Tamiya Khaki over Vallejo Neutral Gray. Brush painting

with Tamiya isn't easy, but I think it gave this one a decent weathered look. Prop and landing gear are all mostly painted and awaiting a few decals and touch ups.


Hopefully this will be done by the end of the week.

Thanks, Tweener

Edited by Tweener
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More work has been done, and the J-26 is nearing the finish line. After a few touchups, the prop will be decaled and the canopy installed. Now I'm wanting to do a later model Mustang in Swedish service as well... And to think - I don't even care for the looks of the 51!

J-26 Mustang WIP



Stay Healthy,


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