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Italeri (ESCI) Fiat Ansaldo Carro Armato M13/40

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This is another kit I built way back in 1981, when both subject matter and kit manufacturer would have been very exotic to me.



To the best of my knowledge, this kit was never upgraded with "hard" tracks under ESCI/ERTL. More than that, the vinyl tracks are actually "Matchbox" style, meaning no glue required.





Italian AFV colours are something I have no real knowledge of, so I'll just have to muddle through.

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I made a quick start to this:



... but now I've got the problem of Italian armour colours, a subject on which I know nothing. I'll have to decide on something before I assemble those tiny bogie units.

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Italeri suggest the Sahariana should be painted in the same colours as used by the Regia Aeronautica and give these references: Sand (Giallo Mimetico 3) FS33434, Red Brown FS30109 and Green (Verde Mimetico 2) FS34092. Hopefully the same colours were in general army use and those FS numbers will cross reference with something easily available.



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4 hours ago, Foxbat said:

Italeri suggest the Sahariana should be painted in the same colours as used by the Regia Aeronautica and give these references: Sand (Giallo Mimetico 3) FS33434, Red Brown FS30109 and Green (Verde Mimetico 2) FS34092. Hopefully the same colours were in general army use and those FS numbers will cross reference with something easily available.



Cheers, that helps a lot. Humbrol 149 is a direct match for FS 34092, so that's sorted. The base sand colour will be a bit more tricky. Humbrol 63 is apparently a bit too "orange". I had planned on doing the sand/green tank (first subject on the back cover), so I don't need a red brown match, but if I were pushed, I dare say I could find something.


According to IPMS Stockholm, the 3-colour scheme would look something like this: http://www.colorserver.net/showcolor.asp?fs=34092+30109+33434

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stating the obvious, but I've not worked on this for nearly a month, and might not for another week or so. But I will return to it, honest Injun! Too many other things on the boil right now, not just on the kit front.

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