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Colour matching formulas for oil paints?

Putty Animal

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I've been enjoying working with artist oils lately, and began looking around for ways to mix them to standard aircraft and armor shades.  My reasoning was that if I could start with an oil version of say RAF Dark Earth/Dark Green for example, I could then tint it up or down to create lots of variations for shading and tonal work.  My own colour vision is pretty rubbish unfortunately and usually I need to have some sort of formula and do it by numbers to give myself a fighting chance.


I was about to go for some small tubes of oils by a range called Abteilung 502, but it turns out they are owned by AK Interactive and aren't really what I want on my bench going forward.  So it made me wonder if anyone with better eyes than me has done a chart that tells you how to mix some of the more commonly used colours from tubes of artist oils?  Ready mixed would be the ideal of course, but if there are formulas out there for your RLMs/RAFs and assorted Drabs I'd love to know!  

Edited by Putty Animal
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