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  • 3 weeks later...

Still plodding along. About ready to close up the fuselage after I join the jet engine halves and paint the intake tunnels white. 


I was not happy with the Aires etch for the seat. After annealing, the brass went very fragile because of its thinness and crumbled when trying to bend. Besides which the Aires instructions were their usual unhelpful self and bore little relation to the actual placement of the belts and buckles! I had an Eduard fabric seatbelt set (laser cut by HGW) in the stash so tried that. My opinion is that it is very fiddly and the fabric is far too thick and that the colour comes away from it when you follow Eduard's instructions to crumple it between your fingers to make it more pliable. I had better results replacing the lap belts with some plain copy paper, trimmed to size and painted with thinned acrylics before threading the buckles. 


Anyway, after a gloss coat, wash and flat coat it sort of came together but I still prefer a resin seat with the belts cast in! Again, I'm not overly convinced that the ejection seat handles are best served in painted brass. I may replace them.





















  • Like 12

The cockpit and seats looks absolutely fantastic, your replacement belts are really good.

I know what you mean about the handles, they would look better made from wire but painting them accurately would be tricky.

  • Like 1

gee those seats do look really nice!


mmm the ejection seat handles, while looking nice do have that flat look of PE, which is a shame, as Craig say's, wire would be better, but painting them........


Maybe there is a market for someone to start producing proper scale and painted ejection seat handles???


Gosh you're doing some nice work! :thumbsup:

  • Like 1

Thanks Gents. I’m going to see what some tightly twisted yellow and black wire looks like. Hopefully it will represent it a little bit more effectively.

  • Like 1

Looks really good so far.


Yes the ejection seat handles are to flat, maybe if you put some PVA glue on upper and lower side it could help to make it round shape, well i never try it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Slowly, Slowly, Catchee Monkee. Or something like that.


Its been at this stage for a week and a bit. Time as ever is the enemy! Apologies for the slightly blurrier photo's than normal. A new tripod and head and I think I will swap the head out that came with it and find the remote shutter release. 


Fit has been pretty good. I haven't encountered any of the gaps seen in the build reviews. But I spent a little bit more time on the cockpit and scraping down the tub sides to remove paint and a small peg of plastic on the WSO port side console that was interfering with one of the side wall attachments. From a quick scout online, the exterior colours on the intakes went back 36 inches. So using my rusty maths that's 19mm  and a gnats knacker. 


















  • Like 6

The fuselage looks like it has gone together very nicely indeed, excellent work.

The lower wing section looks very nicely detailed and painting the slightly visible engine parts before assembling them to it is a very good idea.

  • Like 1

Cheers! Yep you wont see much when the relief doors are open, but just in case ;)

  • Like 1

gosh she' looking nice.....keep this up and I may have to add a C or D model to the stash as well

  • 2 weeks later...

This is looking lovely.  I might have to go dig out my S and paw through the box a bit.  I actually wasn't aware they modeled the engines so you could see them through those small doors on belly.  Nice touch.

  • 4 weeks later...

Just over a month left :( So, priming of all components done, now just the final painting and decaling. Only one or two spots that required a smidge of filler and rescribing. As ever the intake joints are critical and like a bit of careful fettling to reduce re-visiting with the filler. Flaps and slats dropped to add interest, not strictly accurate but looks pretty good :)



















  • Like 4

wow, even in straight primer she looks good.


I'll have to remember that idea of painting the intake insides, it'll make life much easier that's for sure.


Mmm the end date is approaching a bit too fast for my liking in know!! :frantic:

  • Like 1
12 hours ago, trickyrich said:

wow, even in straight primer she looks good.


I'll have to remember that idea of painting the intake insides, it'll make life much easier that's for sure.


Mmm the end date is approaching a bit too fast for my liking in know!! :frantic:

Yup, approaching too fast! However the FS34079 dark green went on this evening, with a post shading and post highlighting followed by a tone down mist. Now it’s drying for the night. Never done a Euro One scheme before and its growing on me.

  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...

Oh dear, 10 days left on the GB, so chances are I'm not going to make it with whats going on in the real world at the moment. However, here is where I am up to now. Paints are Gunze for the acrylics thinned with Mr Hobby Levelling Thinners. Post highlighted with a touch of yellow for the greens and a bit of light grey for the dark grey to break up the monotony. Metals are Alclad; various shade mixes and some careful masking. 
























On to working on the bits that dangle off and the canopy masking now. :)

  • Like 9
  • Greg B changed the title to Zoukei Mura F-4C - Euro One Scheme

That really is a fantastic paint job, a very smooth finish. I like the idea of using yellow for tonal variation on the greens, its very effective.

The metallic area is something special though, that looks fantastic.

I hope that you can get this one finished in time.


gosh she looks amazing!!


I just love that paint finish. :wub:


For the sake of a deadline please don't rush her, would be a shame to mess it up!!!

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