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Hawker Hurricane Mk IIc 1/48 Arma Hobby


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19 hours ago, SprueMan said:

So, you guys think there will be both a IIc and a IIb?

I ask because in this case maybe it is best for me to wait to see both decal options. :)

With a new wing carrying the appropriate gun installments, I don't see why not. Everything else on the parts layout indicates this. The IIc is however the most popular to put it like that, so no wonder you start off with what is expected to be the bestseller. 


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4 hours ago, VMA131Marine said:

The detail around the opening for the tail wheel strut is different for each version. See how the front of the opening has a chamfer on the Dowty type but doesn’t on the original type.



Hmm.   LF686 is a restoration, and is anyway a very late production. 

the profile is, er, a profile.


Z2346 IIa Brooklands 14-Sep-40  Straight and no cut out.




Z38 are Hawker built July 41

straight, no cut out


Z3977  IIb Langley 06-Jul-41

knuckle/cut out




Z5227 IIb Gloster 21-Jul-41.  Straight with cutout. 



Z5252 straight, cut out.





So, @VMA131Marine  good detail spotting. Thank you.


But given from a quick look the straight faring applies to a very few early Mk.II,  and the cut out come in even with the straight leg.  I'd be surprised if Arma would tool up an entire new belly for that, when a Sea Hurricane hook belly open up a lot more options.  


I'm sure we will know soon.  There does look to be 2 spinners,  assuming they have both the CM/1 and the ES/9 that will the first kit to offer both.




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3 hours ago, Boman said:

With a new wing carrying the appropriate gun installments, I don't see why not. Everything else on the parts layout indicates this. The IIc is however the most popular to put it like that, so no wonder you start off with what is expected to be the bestseller. 




A IIB is the next logical thing to do, the layout has a separate C wing tree, with both types of Hispano barrels,  Mk.I, flat spring at base,  and Mk.II , mid round spring,  which again is a first for a Hurricane kit.  

Good work @Wojtek Bulhak @GrzeM 


And the other tree of common Mk.II components.  Note the kits has bomb carriers and drop tanks as well.  


The next commonest Mk.II is the IIB,  and a B wing is easy to make an A wing by filling the outer gun bay detail.  The IIA is not that common, the IIB has masses of options, and with some small new bits, you can also do the VVS regunned Hurricanes, which opens up more possibilities.   

Note this is exactly what Hasegawa did in 1/48th, doing a B and C wings. 


If they tool up a Hamilton Standard prop and spinner, then you have the Canadian Mk.XII, or AM will do this as it's only a few new parts.   


I don't know if it would be worth tooling up a specific IID/IV wing,  but as their 72nd IID uses a hatch template to convert the C wing they may follow that route.  It's a small filling and rescribe job, so a whole new wing is quite an investment when anyone with anything above basic modelling skills could do the work.   If you don't have those skills you may not care* and just want big guns or rockets....

How popular their 72nd IID kit may decide this,  but even if they don't,  it's a few new bits which AM could provide if they don't,  

For a Mk.IV/late IID,  an armour radiator,  armoured windscreen bars. applique armour, easy to do with resin and photo etch.  


That covers all the Mk.II/IV and Sea Hurricane II's,  and that's a lot of Hurricanes.


Covering all the variations of the Mk.I is a lot of bits,  and if they approach that will depend on the Mk.II sales.    


a fabric wing Mk.I offers a lot of marking variations, and the CA kit has long been unavailable.  


I'm sure Arma will let us know in due course.     


* I see plenty of Hurricane models on farcebook that don't know or care about the detail differences.....

" 'cos all 'urricanes look the same dontcha' know"   

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On 10/11/2022 at 2:43 AM, Thomas V. said:

Arma is nowhere near finesse of surface detail of Eduard, 

Sorry, disagree, also Arma a more enjoyable build for me.

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There are no photos of the Mk.II with the typical Mk.I keel. Except for Z2346, which was converted from a Mk.I in August 1940. There are a lot of early Mk.IIs with the old tailwheel, but there's always a new keel.

Z2336 straight (old), cut out (new).




Mk.I V6468 got a new part in front of the tail wheel as a result of the repair, but behind the wheel there is an old keel.



On 09/04/2023 at 22:46, Troy Smith said:



Z38 are Hawker built July 41

straight, no cut out



According to me: straight, cut out

Edited by Bigos
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  • 4 weeks later...

preorder opens on Monday:


Decal options available:

Hurricane Mk IIc “Night Intruder”, BE581/JX-E, No. 1 Squadron RAF, Tangmere, May 1942, pilot F/L Karel Kuttelwascher



Hurricane Mk IIc Z3152/FM-A, No. 257 Squadron RAF, Coltishall, May 1941, pilot S/Ldr Robert Stanford Tuck DSO, DFC & Two Bars, AFC


Hurricane Mk IIc LF644/WC-D, No. 309 Squadron PAF, Drem, May-July 1944



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Source: https://www.facebook.com/ArmaHobby/posts/pfbid02ssEjiv7aH8vXKy2o5PDSa9a5CYTu28gQVgBVKKZC1FpRGaSHGXpaXW1E7bfkTchZl



It's today! We announce the official launch of the announced and expected Hurricane Mk IIc in 1/48 scale!

Three sprues - two grey ones and a transparent one - have already been tested. We will be showing them gradually. The last work on the fourth mould is underway in the tool shop, the last test injections will begin in a moment. Then we will need some more time to correct the whole thing, but this is really the home stretch!

Today we are revealing the kit painting schemes: three different European camouflages: Temperate Land, Day Fighter and Night (Tropical ones will be in the next boxing). Each with awesome markings: RAF ace-of-aces Robert Stanford Tuck, the most effective Hurricane night pilot Czech Karel Kuttelwascher, and the obligatory plane with white-and-red checkerboard: fom the No. 309 Polish Squadron. We also show in detail what the decal will look like.

See more on the Armahobbynews Blog: http://armahobbynews.pl/en/blog/2023/05/05/hurricane-mk-iic-arma-hobby-in-1-48-is-coming/

Get ready for Monday. We will announce the kit pre-order promotion, and we will reveal the price. The designer of this kit, Marcin Ciepierski, will also show the first photos from the construction. Expect a surprise!





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Nice to see this coming very soon, been holding off from buying Hasegawa's old kit to make an RAF Peterhead hurri for some time now.


Hopefully the price will be reasonable (whatever that is...)



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6 hours ago, Bigos said:

Please read this article. There you will find a complete explanation.


What a pleasure to read an article from a manufacturer explaining in detail why they made certain decisions and also giving the sources used in that interpretation. 

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13 hours ago, Tokyo Raider said:

No Night Reaper on the decal sheet!?

You have been linked to the Arma bog on research,  this is a discussion on the scheme you are likely thinking of,  as it's very well known.

only problem is the original source seems to be the Aircraft in Profile Mk.IIC monograph, and every other profile is based on this.  



It should be noted briefly that the scheme in the famous profile is very unlikely,  apart from the fantasy wing patch, the night intruder scheme was later, and did not feature Day Fight Scheme identifers, like the Sky Band and yellow leading edges trips.

One possible explanation is the profile is based on partly on misinterpreting the photos here, or poor reproductions, which could show up as having black undersides.



But from all the available evidence, 1 Sq had all black Hurricanes, and then when taken off night operations some of these were repainted to Day Fighter Scheme.


The 'Night Reaper' scheme as portrayed in the profile has appeared on  Hurricane,  PZ865 from the BBMF, so you can do the warbird in this scheme...But until someone turns up a photo with some provenance,   you can understand my sig line on profiles..




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I have contacted Arma Hobby directly on a detail on this, namely the grey codes.


I think this is unlikely. 

I have not seen the reference image of LF644, but there is this



My initial explanation is this, Sky band and spinner were factory applied,  and codes were done at unit level, different paint application, batches or even poorly stirred  paint could affect the colour, an example

A while back I posted this thread



where I though the codes were Medium Sea Grey



And was corrected by @Chris Thomas who had seen the airframe who quickly corrected this

" ?I have had the chance to examine this relic at close quarters several times over the last 20 years and I can assure you that the code letters are Sky. "


OK, the reference image of LF644 is here






Unless there happens to be some documentation on why the codes were a non standard colour,. and there maybe a Polish source and I'd be happy to be corrected,  I would suggest it's a case like the Tempest image above, a variation of Sky.


Hope of interest.


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Update on Arma's website:


Preorders start on May 8th, 2023 at 7PM CET. During preorders 3D exhausts and box art print A4 free. Delivery of preorders is expected on the first week of June 2023.




Edit: Pre-order price £39.01 / EUR45.00

Edit2: Bundles https://www.armahobby.com/category/aircraft-models-hurricane

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Thsi got posted on farcebook...



Now this is impressive, note they show the flush rivets in the wing leading edge, and then the mushroom type further back. 


It's one of the less obvious details






the unrestored Hurricane in Finland, less obvious here





from https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235099841-hawker-hurricane-mkia/


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It's looking superb.












Be interesting to see how the cockpit framework holds up to being cleaned up though. Looks like one bit is already broken here. I broke a couple of them on my Airfix kit.




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Wow! That looks fabulous. I have a pre order with the big H so will stick with that but this one will be going straight onto the work bench. 


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On 09/05/2023 at 11:09, Stephen said:

Interesting.  X48238 is a rescale, and has , again, BE581 as Night Reaper,(only know from a profile, despite being much copied see https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234976286-hurricane-mk-iic-flown-by-km-kuttlewascher/#elControls_1889582_menu


OK-2, (not clear if a IIC from the references photo, I can't see the wing cannon bulges though https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235102050-keith-park-hurricane-on-malta-ok-2-a-second-pic/



48239 is desert and SEAC, some SAAF. I think I have seen images of all of these.


48240 is Sea Hurricanes, usual schemes, know from photos,  two are fitted with rockets, or rocket plates.  3 are white Sea Hurricanes.




No sheet/scheme images as yet.


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