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Help needed to find a shade of brown paint

Black Knight

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As per title.

I could do with some help to find a shade of brown paint.

For reasons I'll not go into I'd like a pot 'off-the-shelf' and not have to mix anything.

Gloss, matt, or semi-matt/gloss, doesn't matter as it will get varnished over

Acrylic or enamel


The shade I require is a reddish or orangey tawny brown

More reddish or orangey than Humbrol 9 Gloss Tan, but about that degree of luminescence or a bit lighter, but not darker


I can get locally;

Humbrol, enamel & acrylic

Vallejo, Model Colour only

Revell, acrylic only

Tamiya, most, but not all in the acrylic range


Any suggestions are welcome



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To recommend an exact shade and it be the exact shade you're looking for and it's premixed in a pot on the shelf, well there's just too many variables. What are you painting with it? If it's a specific colour for a specific model then something may exist already in one of the ranges you mention...

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