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After a very hectic month which meant virtually no modelling time, I'm all too aware of the calendar whizzing by. 

Hopefully, this coming weekend will get it close to the finishing line. Having painted the black area on the sides of the body, I've got to apply some white pin stripe decals over it next.




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Good to see this one is still progressing Dave and looking great  :speak_cool:

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Oh well, that damned calendar has beaten me.  It was probably a sign when the clock on the wall ticked its last tock at  04:30 on Friday morning!

Anyway, thank you to everyone for the kind words and encouragement over these last few months, it has been greatly appreciated. It has been inspiring to see all those beautiful models being produced.

Hopefully, it will be completed in the coming weeks and pictures posted.

This is how it currently looks -applying those pinstripes is most time consuming (and frustrating!).









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