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De-solidifying CA ?


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Went to get my bottles of CA which haven't been used for a few months, only to find that it had turned into a thick gel-like substance that wouldn't pour out.  Any way to turn them back into runny liquid CA glue, or are they fit for the bin only ?

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Happened to me too. I ended up chucking it in the bin. I've read somewhere that CA glue starts to cure if exposed to sunlight. Since then I've kept mine in a dark corner. So far its working. Or the sunlight thing could be fake news.



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CA cures by absorbing moisture. Keeping bottles in the fridge helps, as it's pretty dry in there.


Once it's started to cure, there's no cure- throw it out and replace it.


I use the 1ml tubes marketed by UHU and Selleys; it costs more per ml, but given that there's less throw away wastage, I figure that it breaks about even. I tend to buy a couple of packs whenever I see them, as they can be hard to find in the shops when they're wanted.

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