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Aerial Operations in Paraguayan Civil Wars - Helion & Company via Casemate UK


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Aerial Operations in Paraguay

In the revolutions of 1922 and 1947 - Latin America @ War No.8

ISBN : 9781912390588

Helion & Company via Casemate UK




Paraguay like a lot of countries in the region went through long periods of unsettlement with civil wars and foreign war. This publication looks at the use of fledgling air power in the 1922 Civil war, and then more established aircraft in the 1947 civil war. The 1922-23 conflict took place following cancellation of presidential elections in 1922. From the aftermath of the 1904 Revolution there had been a great deal of infighting and instability in the country. The cancellation of elections in 1922 lead to a civil ware breaking out. Both side hired ex WWI combat veterans for their air arms who were in effect mercenaries. Other pilots were Paraguayan nationals who had also fought in WWI. The government air arm used a variety of aircraft but the Revolutionaries used only Italian Ansaldo SVA.5 & SAV.10 aircraft.




Following the Chaco war of 1932 to 1935 (covered here in Latin America @ War No.5) there was a coup by the Army. They then set about strengthening their air operations with an order of 60 aircraft from Italy. This $2.2 Million deal was a fortune at the time, even more so for a war ravaged country. Thus after the Government was returned to power by another coup they tried to cancel the order. In the end the Italians persuaded Paraguay to take 20 aircraft. Later on the Government would take deliveries of further Aircraft from the US which were supplied under lease / lend of WWII. All of these aircraft would then be used in the civil war of 1947 which followed the suspension of the constitution and a general strike, and student riots. By the time this civil ware ended in August 1947 a full third of the population had fled the country. 





This book should give the reader and overview of the civil wars in the country and a look at the aircraft used. It looks at the relationship with Italy and the US under lend / lease. The book is a modest 40 pages containing black & white photos throughout. There are 7 pages of colour aircraft profiles and 2 of colour maps.





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