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German Luftwaffe Jack Stand Set (Extended Edition) DW4802

1:48 Das Werk (MBK Distribution with Uschi Van Der Rosten)




Whilst searching for information on my recent dual Fw.190A build, I stumbled across pictures of this set, and homed in on it immediately with my clicky finger.  It turns out that Das Werk is a collaboration between Uschi Van Der Rosten, a well-known modeller, and MBK Distribution to bring us some rather interesting sets that will be of fairly broad interest to anyone that's considering a diorama of WWII Luftwaffe aircraft in maintenance.


Surprisingly, the set is in injection moulded styrene, which is great news if you're a tad wary of resin, and when it arrives you'll find that inside the sturdy cardboard box there are four sprues, each one of which will allow you to build a short stand, a long stand (cue jokes about apprentices and tartan paint), plus a saw horse as a bonus.  Four sprues will give you four of each of those items, which should be plenty to keep you going for a while.




The sprues are top-flight injection moulded, with very fine seamlines, no flash, and modest sprue-gates, which is good news when you look at the finesse of the parts.  In construction all you need to do is scrape away the seamlines with a sharp blade, and they are ready for a bit of glue.  The instructions walk you through the process, and they go together very well, with only the small pull-handles at the sides needing careful alignment and more care during handling.  I have built up two of the taller jack stands (the short ones build up the same way) and a saw horse, and they all went together very easily and are currently sat in primer while I get a new base for the dio that I have planned, as the old one cracked.  You can set the height of the horizontal bar that fits into the jack points on the fuselage to suit your purposes, and on the website there are some suggestions here for alterations to the set that will facilitate wider use with different airframes and maintenance situations, such as a trip to the gun butts for weapons convergence when there isn't one of those fancy semi-permanent installations that were more common on permanent bases.






A simple to construct and seldom seen item that would otherwise be hard to scratchbuild, and it's in injection styrene!  Quality is excellent too, and the contents of the box are pretty generous.  If you're ever in the market for this kind of diorama, these are a must-have.


The same set is available in two flavours in addition to the Extended set.  There is the Standard edition with two sprues, this edition with four, and the Bundle edition which includes both the Standard and Extended editions, giving you six of everything.  You can see them all by clicking on the Available Here button below.


Extremely highly recommended.




Review sample courtesy of


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