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1/72 Tamiya P-47 D Thunderbolt "509th FS/405th FG"

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Dear fellow Britmodellers,

here's my 1/72 Tamiya P-47D in markings of 509th Fighter Squadron, 405th Fighter Group, Belgium 1945, flown by Lt. James R. Hopkins.

Built from the box with addition of Montex decals (K72008), painted with Tamiya & Gunze acrylics.

Photographs by Wolfgang Rabel.

Thanks for your interest!


















Best greetings from Vienna, Austria.


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1 minute ago, neil5208 said:

Very nice, how do you do the chipping please?


Hello Neil, thank you very much for your interest.

I created the "chipped effect" using Vaseline creme.

Yes, Vaseline creme! But you can use any other similar medium, like Nivea Creme as well.

First, aplly an all-over coat of Silver/Aluminium (I used Tamiya TS-17).

Next, apply Vaseline (or similar) with a fine brush on those areas you'd like to keep Silver.

This is usually the areas that receive the most wear & tear, like wing leading edges, panels etc.

Work steady and careful, and use little amount of creme - when you add 'blobs' of creme, these will be moved around the surface by the airstream of your brush!

I also work in segments in order not to touch the surfaces (you'll get nasty fingerprints then!).

Here's the first step - basecoat with Tamiya TS-17 Aluminum.



Applying the Vaseline creme with a fine brush:




Add pre-shading:




Now the top color (Olive Drab H52).

Note, I started on the left wing.

After this is finished, I will turn to the fuselage, then the other wing.

Working in segments reduces the risk of acidentially touching the surfaces already covered with creme.




After paint is dry, you can use Tamiya tape to create the final appearace - stick to the surface and rip off.

You will be presented with paint chips like this :




Model painted and chipped, next come the decals.




Neil, I hope this little tutorial is useful.

With best greetings from Vienna, Austria.


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Hi My Friend Roman!!!

Congratulations for this nice masterpiece you have added to your showcase, for sure will be an attraction next contest you go!!!

I liked a huge lot the way you have finished this bird, this paint chipping finish likes me a huge lot since you have done it before with the Marauder, and following this nice tutorial you have shared here is a tempting to try this...and watching the nice results really makes one wondering about that more than one time.

Maybe the kit would be a nice shake and bake, but the nice finish you achieved here with this nice weather and nice preshading, for sure makes this bird an Out of this world one!!! Thank you very much for sharing!!!



Luis Alfonso




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Nice job on a P-47 with great nose art. This particular aircraft was previously from the 361st FS, 56th FG and was coded HV-S. It was flown by Capt Donovan Smith and was previously called 'Ole Cock', probably painted in RAF camouflage colours, before being moved on.




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