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SE.5a Upgrade Parts Part II (for Eduard)

1:48 Eduard Brassin




We reviewed the diminutive WWI fighter here, and soon after a gaggle of improvements to the prop and radiator of the Wolseley Viper equipped variant were released, reviewed here.  Take a short breather, and here they are again with more prop and radiator options, but for the Hispano Suiza engined aircraft.  As usual with Eduard's resin sets, they arrive in the familiar Brassin clamshell box, with the resin parts safely cocooned on dark grey foam inserts, and the instructions sandwiched between the two halves, doubling as the header card.



Four-Bladed Propeller (648318)

A delicate four-bladed prop with separate boss and PE spacers to replace the kit parts.  The prop is well-supported on a cruciform casting block, with a myriad of joints making for quick and easy clean up compared to solid gates.  A few swipes of your favourite sanding sticks will see it ready for paint and installation.  A spare spacer (in fact 3 due to a packaging error) were included in my sample, in case the original gets taken by the carpet monster.







Radiator for Hispano Suiza four-bladed prop (648319)

To be used in conjunction with the prop above to depict a Hispano engine example in glorious detail with resin radiator and PE details to complete the assembly.  The completed assembly is then installed in the front of the engine compartment along with a PE detail ring and a short length of 1.9mm diameter rod from your own supplies.







Radiator for Hispano Suiza 2-bladed Prop (648320)

This set is for the… well, you probably guessed what it was for already.  It includes the radiator housing, PE front grille, and the two cores to the sides of the main aperture.  A brace fits between them under the prop, and the whole thing just replaces the kit parts to depict a Hispano engine SE.5a.







Review sample courtesy of


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