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Posted (edited)

Hi all, a fairly busy 2016 model wise. Most of the builds have been for magazines but a few of my own, mainly for our Bomber Command SIG crept in. I've actually finished a few more but these have yet to appear in print so will be tied over to next year.


Many sincere thanks to all those who commented on them, it's very much appreciated and valued.


Have a great time over the festivities..... 








First out of the traps for 2016 was the wonderful AMK MiG-31BM Foxhound kit. A real joy to build....















Then Hasegawa's 1/48th red tailed J35 F-1 Draken















SBS's lovely little 1/72nd resin DH Comet racer finished in that wonderful Brunswick green for a change,















First ship model for 20 odd years, Trumpeters diminutive 1/700th Dreadnought 1907 fit, certainly wont be the last. Great fun,  more already in the pipeline....
















Next were a few test shots of the new Airfix releases which included the updated B5N1 version of the Kate torpedo bomber.













The latest version of the  Airfix Whitley GRVII/V finished in wartime BOAC colours,













And the new 1/72nd Martlet VI, great little kit, nice quick build....















Then a few for the Bomber Command SIG table, firstly an Airfix Whitley Mk V cross kitted with the excellent DB Productions Whitley Tiger set to produce a Mk III, nice easy conversion job, (personally I prefer the look of the Tiger version)....















Built in time for the 2016 Telford show Monogram's old 1/48th B-24J model converted to a Liberator Mk VI (RCM) of 223 squadron Bomber Support squadron, 100 group RAF Bomber Command....a LOT of work but ultimately well worth it.














And finally the Airfix test shot of their magnificent Victor B2 (Blue Steel)  finished in factory fresh early camouflage colour scheme of the Wittering Wing, (Central servicing period) circa 1965. A great model with some very clever engineering solutions that blasts the old Matchbox kit out of the water. I already have two more in the stash for our SIG table....












It's been a fun year, hopefully the same again next year but with a lot more sci-fi, rocketry and ships...thanks for looking,




Edited by general melchett
  • Like 29
Posted (edited)

Did you ever finish that Trigan Empire flying wing thingy?


PS: that ship is tiny! Excellent work!

Edited by Kallisti
  • Like 1

A very good year General; my personal favourite has to be that beautiful little De Havilland Comet, it's a little gem B)





  • Like 1

Do you know what, I forgot all about it !...it's basically finished and lit but needs a decent dio base, I'll dig it out and get the thing finished, (along with the nearly done 1/72nd Stingray WASP Spearhead, Pegasus Tripod, Aoshima Fireflash and modified Glencoe Marsliner). Next year there will be a lot more sci fi and real world rocket stuff as the editor of AMW is keen to get more in the magazine. Lovely work on the Eagle Transporter by the way.


Thanks Stew, it's a lovely little kit with some of the most refined resin moulding I've come across. Can't recommend SBS highly enough.



  • Like 1

What a fabulous collection, I cannot believe how tiny and highly detailed that Dreadnought is, pretty amazing.





  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

As expected, great work. I know it's already been mentioned but the dreadnought is something else, did you have a magnifying glass attached to your face? ;) Outstanding.

Edited by SimonT

Thanks chaps, appreciated. Glad you like them,

The Dreadnought was quite fiddly but using Uschi Van Rostern's 'Ultrafine' rigging line along with the Eduard PE sets proved relatively straightforward really. The secret weapon was Gators Glue 'Thin Blend' PVA and a cocktail stick, wonderful stuff.

I was sent one of these to review  last year,




Whilst transforming me into a decidedly dodgy relative of 'Doc' Emmett Brown and with much derision from the family it proved to be invaluable so much so that I now use it for just about any detail work. I've always liked using PE so it wasn't as daunting as it might have been, as ever patience and careful planning are the only real requirements, (it's not the 'black art' that some would like you to believe).............then just go ahead and enjoy yourself...



  • Like 1

Awesome stuff, General. How do you find the time? I'm retired and still can't manage any more builds than when I was working. Wait - I know the problem. Memsahib and her infernal to-do lists!   :)




  • Like 2

Hi Bill, thanks....well if it makes you feel any better I also have the same infernal list, (which is pretty damn infernal as for my sins the Mem used to be a hospital ward sister :shutup:), however through careful manipulation of the space/time continuum and a fair degree of bribery to lesser household minions I can cram most of it into the first half of the morning. This is followed by taking the dog for his daily drag across the fields for an hour or so before settling down to the rest of the day's battle with the plastic/PE/resin, editing programs, writing etc over a nice mug of Vascobelo Le Comte and a packet of Pipers Karnataka Black Pepper and Sea Salt crisps....

Can you not explain the severity of the situation to her with a posse of sweetly scented flowers and a well chosen box of her favourite choccies ?

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I say, but a smashing collection you have there, old fruit bat! I especially like the RCM Liberator (even if it is in the Devil's scale and not God's own). I have nowt but a puny, little, new-mould KP La-5FN to show in terms of finished models for 2016. I suppose I could throw a few more together between now and 31 December, but unfortunately they would look like they'd been thrown together (even more so than my models normally do). In my defence, I have worked on five books this year, with three finished, and two published (on aircraft, of course), so I suppose that does count for something. And my La-5FN did feature in the August issue of SAMI (back issues still available, folks!*).


As always, with best regards, I remain your most humble servant,




*Shameless self-promotion.

Edited by Learstang
Exceedingly minor correction.
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

By thunder Jason you self promote away my frosty old babushka , having done a fair bit of scribbling myself this year with AMW and Flypast and started a tome on Soviet long range aircraft projects I fully appreciate the amount of elbow grease required for such an undertaking, not to mention the copious amounts of coffee, biscuits and single malt involved. FIVE books, good lord man no wonder you don't have time for fiddling with styrene...the La-5FN is a major achievement and a very fine one at that, (though I would have half expected an La-200 by this time knowing your predilection for the old beast).



even if it is in the Devil's scale and not God's own


Now you know full well that you have that completely the wrong way round you naughty boy......funny really, 1/48th is my preferred 'scale for the visually impaired' but most of this year's outpouring seems to be of the infernal braille scale variety....go figure :shrug:

Edited by general melchett

What a fantastic output Andy.  All quality stuff too.  I always enjoy your projects

All the best for the New Year, and a Happy and safe Christmas



  • Like 1

Space/time continuum manipulation! Of course! Why didn't I think of that?    :doh: 





PS. If I do it right, I can build more models last year! 

  • Like 1

What a productive year and every single one is a gem.

If I'm pressed to pick a favourite, I'd have to choose the little Comet, but the Victor is a close run second. The finish that you've achieved on them is flawless.

I'm looking forward to 2017 now.

Thank you for the inspiration to carry on with my own work.

  • Like 1

PS. If I do it right, I can build more models last year! 


Actually if you go far enough forward Bill you can take care of the next five years last year, (gets a bit dodgy after that what with with eddies in the space/time wash, traversable wormholes, gravitational lensing and the like ......I did try once but ended up not knowing whether I was coming or going or even if I'd been there in the first place, but then again according to Lady M that's quite normal. I'll ask Stewie Griffin for advice on the (anti)matter.....


Cheers Chris, if I can offer a little bit of inspiration then all the better, after all that's what we are all here for.... thanks for your support, look forward to seeing what you come up with next year.



  • Like 2

those are some seriously beautiful models there!!! :worthy:


I can't really pick a favourite but if I had to then the MiG-31!!!  :wub:

  • Like 1

Thanks Rich much appreciated, must admit I like the MiG-31, but then it's AMK, big and Russian, got a couple more from AMK for next year........(especially looking forward to getting hold of their Foxbat)........

  • Like 1

It's hard to chose a favourite out of these, General, but for me the Victor just edges it. I was dribbling over your article in the Airfix mag just this week - it's a beauty!


Best wishes for the festivities :)




Thanks Tom, good to catch up at Telford, even if it was briefly. The Victor's a great kit overall in fact I've just got hold of my third, I have a few Mk 2 variants planned for the coming year. 


Hope you and the family have a great time too, I'm sure I'll see you at a few shows next year for a proper natter.........(hopefully have the 1/24th Buccaneer to show in 2017's yearbook :whistle:)


Beautiful builds throughout.  My personal favourite is that incongruous British Airways Whitley :blink2:!



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