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Spey Phantom useful info thread...

At Sea

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There is a lot of knowledge about the Spey Phantom on this site, some of it from people who actually worked on them in service.

I thought I would start this thread to pick people's brains and allow others to learn a bit too. To kick off I'm keen to learn more about dummy Sparrows...

I have read that the Spey Phantoms carried dummy Sparrows in the forward bays:

"...as fuel was used, in fact the F-4K/M became dangerously close to having a C of G problem in certain conditions"

The thing is I cannot seem to find any pictures of early FG.1 with them, and frequently these aircraft in RN service have empty bays. Was it only really an issue later, or with the RAF preferring wing tanks. Was this partly off set by the FAA preference for the centre tank. Was this why the RN preferred the centre tank. (Did they even or is that another dubious fact?)

I am having to collate info from various sources to jump to these scanty assumptions and if someone hands on would like to correct me I would be delighted. Not just from a modelling point of view (no Spey Phantom will ever have a C of G problem now sadly) but more to improve my knowledge of what is rapidly becoming my favourite aircraft.


Edited by At Sea
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