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Being a patient sort, I've unmasked it.



Not too bad. The aileron mass balances all detached, but I expected that and made sure they were all retrieved from the masking tape.

I have however made an error in the RLM71 coverage (i.e. not enough!), which is evident in 2 locations on the starboard side of the fuselage. An easy enough fix, which I'll hopefully do tomorrow night.


  • Like 2

Very neat work (mostly)!

Did you get the colours right on the spats, top portion is 71, lowers are 70 (or visa versa) but the point I'm trying to make is that they were painted in two colours. Ah listen to me, Mr rivet-counter!



I think I did - the top bit is in 71, and where it gets a smidge bigger downwards is all in 70. That's what the Revell dot-matrix destructions looked like anyway!

Good job or else I would have demanded a re-paint :hobbyhorse: . (It was well past my bedtime so my previous post was a bit rambling)


  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies in advance for a boring update - the canopy masks arrived a week or so ago but I had to do some more SH work than usual, but also took my daughters to the cinema and spent most of yesterday chopping up my dad's car. I did however get the masks on and the canopy sections sprayed with RLM02. I thinned with cellulose because I was in a hurry. I then remasked the two bits of the fuselage I'd missed and once the canopy was dry I sprayed them with RLM71, touching up the fuselage at the same time. I'll hopefully get the RLM70 done tonight.


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It is good progress when you get a job like canopy masking out of the way Jamie, especially with a Stuka :)

...and spent most of yesterday chopping up my dad's car...

I hope your Dad was aware of your intentions regarding his car in advance of you doing this? :lol:



  • Like 1

Just caught up with this one Jamie and, although it's not my scale, there're a few good tips in here I've pinched for my 1/72 Airfix. I think I might leave the flaps off and spray them separately to avoid the masking problems you had...

Thanks Stew for the link to the Slaters plastic - I've been looking for a mixed pack and now have that on my shopping list :)


Just caught up with this one Jamie and, although it's not my scale, there're a few good tips in here I've pinched for my 1/72 Airfix. I think I might leave the flaps off and spray them separately to avoid the masking problems you had...

Thanks Stew for the link to the Slaters plastic - I've been looking for a mixed pack and now have that on my shopping list :)

Hi! I was just reading your build. Leaving the flaps and ailerons off will be a big help. I wish this kit had been engineered that way. It was a complete faff trying to mask around them!

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Top tip as a Luftwaffe builder never ever think that mass balances will stay where you put them. They have formed an escape committee and are on their way as often as they can

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They too are a faff!

Junkers committed many cosmetic atrocities in their designs. Saying that I'm trying to think of German machines that aren't ugly. Their warships were quite nice. The Me163 and 262 were quite nice. In general they specialised in ugliness though!

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Yes - here's a 3 view of the Spitfire 13 designed by captured German engineers.


Step away from the photocopier, someone might have a serious use for it.


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I don't know I think the fw190 d series and ta152 series whilst not early spitfires or mustangs. Have a real grace about them

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Not that many stickers on a Stuka, you should have it finished by the time Pointless Celebrities (and there's a well named show) comes on.

My Javelin has it's stickers on and they've been sealed in but I seem to be unable to work up the energy to do anything else to it. There's probably only a day's worth of work left to finish it but this always seems to happen I run out of steam on the last lap!


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The big ones are on, but they look like they're silvering. I can't find my ring binder of spares where I have a sheet of swastikas. I will have put it down somewhere stupid, I'm sure, but I can't remember where that might have been.


All the bitty little stencils etc remain to be applied, but I'm bored.

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Stencils are a pain, I quite often leave most of them off as I'm sure they were rarely replaced if the aircraft was repainted (well that's my story at any rate). The fuel filler points, gazing points and such like are fine but all the little frame numbers and stuff, bleuch!


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