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TomahawkIIB - P40D and P40E


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I am a bit stuck as there seems to be a pattern used on the P-40's that went to China and those sent to North Africa. Although I always thought a batch meant for China landed up with 112 sqn. Lastly there seems to be a variation from the P-40E (Kittyhawk). I would be grateful for any help and accurate 3 view drawings.

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There were three different patterns for P-40 aircraft. The first for the RAF in 1940 & AVG were hand sprayed, the second pattern on late Tomahawks and P-40E used masks and the third either masked or hand sprayed was used on subsequent P-40 for the RAF. Be aware that many K, N & Ms for the RAF were factory finished with Dark Olive Drab and Medium Green but subsequently repainted T Middle East M.U.s with the RAF pattern using the local colours. The drawings are in Ian Bakers's AHCB series no.51 P-40 Special.

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Dana Bell's Aviation Color Primers no 1 US export colors of WWII

has a reproduction of a Curtiss diagram on pages 18 and 19 that show the pattern (with color call-outs) for the P-40D and later models.

(that's Hawk 87 / Kittyhawk)

the Don Color website back in '99 had excellent 4-view colors artwork showing pattern A and B for the Tomahawk (Hawk 81 P-40B/C )

I can't remember the exact URL to see if the Internet Archive still has it. :(

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the Don Color website back in '99 had excellent 4-view colors artwork showing pattern A and B for the Tomahawk (Hawk 81 P-40B/C )

I can't remember the exact URL to see if the Internet Archive still has it. :(


Might be


info from


slightly off thread but

For info,

This is is great P-40 site, well worth a browse




Edited by brewerjerry
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